Explain what the heck a quark is
Man idk (tbd)
First one to cry at KAMSC (broke down in the bathroom freshman year because the teacher called her stupid and parents almost made her drop for the low grade)
Adams is not on Miss Adams' birth certificate
What musical is the song "Seasons of Love" from
Name all eight planets starting from closest to the sun
mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
Tripped over a cone in basic design freshman year, caught by a guy and who then invited her over to have dinner
Layla wrote a college essay about how she wished you were her dad
True (adopt me)
Name three countries in the middle east
layla can confirm
SI unit of luminosity
candela (cd)
Met in the school parking lot with a boy because her parents didn't know about him, and if they did, wouldn't let her see him
Has a grandmother that was kicked out of the church in the 60s and converted is Islam
Name the first ever broadway musical
the Black Crook (1866)
Solve this problem…:
Which one of us obsessed over a guys’ eyes for an entire year (deranged fool, hands in the air and everything)
Layla (“His eyes! His eyes!”)
We talked trash about you one time when you couldn't solve a physics problem
Nope! (u da smartest teacher we got)