This country is known for the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, and baguettes
What is France
What gets wetter as it dries
What is a towel
This species, an ancestor from the big cat species, varies in different colors; such as it's main color: orange, and others like blue, white, and light brown. With black details!
What is a tiger
This month has the shortest amount of days, but on leap years, has one more day
What is February
4 x 4 x 3 =
On March 8 1917, this country led a revolt to demolish it's monarchy, русская революция!
What is Russia
Where does today come before yesterday
What is (in) a dictionary
This breed of dog has the strongest sense of smell, in certain places it can be used as evidence in court.
What is a Bloodhound
The second to last month of the year
21/3 =
Wales, Manchester, and London are all a part of which region?
What is the UK (United Kingdom)
I have a tail, and I have a head, but I have no body. What am I?
What is a coin
In this species of bird, the males are more colorful and blue/green than the females, the males fan their feathers out to show off. Help! Help!
What is a peacock
This month is the 8th month of the year
What is August
3 x 0 =
This country is the largest country of the world, known for their lanterns and food
What is China
I'm a mystery, but I've given you the clues to solve me. you see me now, and my answer is myself. What am I?
What is a riddle
The ancestors of dogs
What is a wolf
This month consists of the holiday Easter and Palm Sunday
3(4 + 6) + 2 =
This country is known famously for cold weather and maple syrup, did I forget to leaf out the English-French language! (Pun intended)
What is Canada
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
What is (the word) "short"
This animal has a long neck and hooves the same size of dinner plates
What is a giraffe
This month consists of the zodiac sign Sagittarius
What is November
5 + x = 6. What does 'x' equal?
x = 1