Who has the most pet related posts on IG?
Who was Albi's Craziest ex?
Who once fell through a glass table?
In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sundays?
True - it was originally meant to prevent horse theft - thieves would lure horses away with ice cream
This human organ can regenerate itself completely in about 2 weeks if partially removed or damaged
Who has equal followers as following?
Which one of Albi's ex's has the most amount of lesbian friends?
Who moved to Vancouver in 2015?
In Arizona, it is legal to let a donkey sleep in a Bathtub?
True - A ranchers donkey was washed away during a flood while sleeping in a bathtub, leading to the law.
This fruit contains more Vitamin C than an orange, despite its smaller size.
Who posted "found this gem on #netflix... I must have watched this VHS a thousand times as a kid #classic#childhoodmemories"
How of Albi's ex's might be on Ozempic?
Who had pink/red hair in 2020?
Morgane and Kiana
In Canada, it is illegal to apologize in court because it is considered an admission of guilt.
False - Canada even has an Apology Act that prevents apologies from being used against you legally.
This Disease caused by the Yersinia pestis bacteria was known as the "black death" in the 14th century
What is the plague
Who has the least amount of followers?
Which one of Morris' ex's got him fired from Cactus Club?
Who has lived on the North Shore the longest?
In Switzerland it is illegal to own just 1 guinea pig
True - Guinea pigs are social animals, so the law considers owning just one an form of animal cruelty
This animal can sleep for up to 3 years without eating, thanks to its ability to go into a deep hibernation state.
How many people (out of 9) have their ex still on the IG
Name Cindy's ex?
Name everyone here from oldest to youngest?
Nolan, Nate, Nicole, Albi, Cindy, Morgane, JP, Kiana
It's illegal to milk a goat that does not belong to you in Texas?
False - It's actually illegal to milk someone's COW.
Machu Picchu