the value of V x II
what is X
in what is 1 in 316
numbers below 0
what is negative integers
continue the pattern 0,5,10,15 _
what is 20
4 x (5+3)=
what is 32
101 in Roman numerals
what is CI
the value of 9 in 34,988
what is 100
the positive integer of -2
what is 2
finish the pattern 0,62,124,186_
what is 248
6 x (42+53)=
what is 570
what is XL
the value of 3 in 657,239
what is 30
greater integer between 3 and 7
what is 7
fill in the blank 5,10,20,40,80, ,320,640
what is 160
16 + (345 x 3)
what is 1051
379 in roman numeruls
what is CCCLXXIX
the value of 2 in 34,327,453,
what is 10,000
negative integer of 342
what is -342
fill in the blank 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024, ,4096,8192
What is 2048
27 x (78 - 56)
what is 594
XXXI x(multiply) VIII
what is 248
value of 7 in $576,456,899.00
what is $10,000,000.00 or 10 million dollars
integer below -99
what is -98
name the number pattern
9000,8904, ,8712,8616,8520,8424, ,8232
what is 96
arrange in order of operation
/ , - , () , + , x , %
/ = division
What is () , % , / , x , + , s