Nature of Power
Human Rights
Pathways towards development
Evolution of Conflict

Define all four main types of power

Hard, Soft, Smart, and Sharp power


 Define consumer rights

The right to be informed: to be protected against fraudulent, deceitful, misleading information such as false advertising or labeling.


Define capitalism/ a state-capitalist country

A state-capitalist country is one where the government controls the economy, acting as a single huge corporation.


Explain/define the scale of peace, conflict, and violence

Peace between states requires included actors to be in full agreement to one another. Conflict implies the presence of disagreement between two or more opposing sides, and violence only occurs with the presence of military force and hard power


Define Globalization with reference to a real life case study

Globalization refers to how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place.


Define OR give a real-life example of realism 

The classical realism theory by Hans Morgenthau argues that it is human nature to seek power. The leaders of various states have an innate desire to dominate their rivals. 


How can Sanctions aid in helping human rights, and give a real-life example

Sanctions can put a country in a tight position due to lack of a certain resource such as oil, and attempt to force them to stop the actions that go against the rights of the humans


Thoroughly define neoliberalism

The new political, economic and social approach within a society to emphasize liberal market relations, individual rights… A newly reformed modern-liberalism.


What does NATO stand for?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization 


Define cultural hegemony

The dominance of a ruling class/group that shape the culture of their society


Contrast individual and collective power

Individual power is the influence/ power wielded by a single entity.

Collective power is power that is exerted by groups


Give a real life example of using human rights for political gain

The Rohingya refugee crisis, mexican/ american border, palestine/ israel, hijabi women in france...


Name 2 factors needed to achieve a developing society

Improving education, healthcare, human rights, improving/ changing roles of women, more ecological living, concern for citizenship, indigenous revitalization movements…


Define negative peace

The state of multiple actors being in an absence of violence, and/or resolution of conflict, but the presence of common disagreements and a risk of new conflicts to arise


What year was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights created? 



Contrast unilateral and multilateral power

Unilateralism is when states act without consideration of other states/ without their support. Multilateralism is acting cooperatively with other states


Define or give a real life example Cultural Relativism (if choose both you get 600 points)

Cultural relativism refers to not judging a culture to our own standards of what is right or wrong, strange or normal.


Name 2 factors needed to achieve a developing economy

Trade, tourism, entrepreneurship, export orientation, complementary currencies…


Explain the difference between intrastate and interstate war and give an example for each

Interstate: between two or more states. Ex: Ukraine and russia

Intrastate: within a state, often between governments and non-state actors.


Explain Universalism

Universalism implies that it is possible to apply generalized norms, values, or concepts to all people and cultures, regardless of the contexts in which they are located.


Contrast structural and classical realism

Structural realism argues that states are forced to pursue power in order to survive, due to the nature of international relations. Classical realism argues that the pursuit of power is part human nature.


Give an example of Honor killings

Honor killings is a traditional form of murder in which a person is killed by or at the behest of members of their family, due to culturally sanctioned beliefs that such homicides are necessary as retribution for the perceived dishonoring of the family by the victim.


Define a circular economy

A circular economy is an economic system based on the reuse and regeneration of materials/ products in hopes of creating production in an environmentally friendly way.


What are the three forms of violence on Galtung’s conflict triangle and which of the three is considered “visible”.

Direct, Structural, and Cultural. Direct is considered to be “visible”, or the top of. The triangle because it is fully clear to the public.


What is Ms. Babcock’s favorite global politics concept?

The theory of cultural hegemony
