Singapore history
animal facts
Singapore locations

chicken rice is every oftenly seen in coffee shops and food centres being priced on an average of $4 per plate. but do you still remember how much it was in the 1990s? 鸡饭在咖啡店和熟食中心随处可见,平均每盘售价4元。但你还记得20世纪90年代是多少吗?

a) 1 dollar

b) 2 dollars 

c) 1 dollar 50 cents 

the answer is (a) 1 dollar 


which person was the first president in Singapore ?    新加坡第一任总统是哪位?

a) Lee Kuan Yew 李光耀

 b) Yusof Ishak 

c) David Marshall

the answer is (b) Yusof Ishak 


Which statement that describes a dolphin is true?哪项描述海豚的说法是正确的?

a) They like to blow bubbles 它们喜欢吹泡泡

b) Their hearing is better than all other animals 它们的听力是所有动物中最好的

c) Dolphins can stun prey with echolocation 它们能用回声定位击晕猎物

the answer is (a)  They like to blow bubbles 它们喜欢吹泡泡


Also known as Telok Ayer Market, this historic place was first built in 1824 as a fish market before getting relocated to the current location at 1894. can you guess where this place is ?                                      这个历史悠久的地方也被称为直落亚逸市场 (Telok Ayer Market),最初建于 1824 年,最初是一个鱼市,后来于 1894 年搬迁到现在的位置。你能猜出这个地方在哪里吗? 

a) bras basah complex

b) singapoore bird park 新加坡飞禽公园

c) 老巴刹

the answer is (b) 老巴刹


now a bowl of noodles also called Bak chor Mee is now $4.50 but it was much cheaper back then. can you guess how much it was in the 1990s ?                         一碗也称为 Bak Chor Mee 的面条现在售价 4.5 美元,但当时要便宜得多。你能猜出 20 世纪 90 年代的价格是多少吗? 

a) 1 dollar 

b) 2 dollars

c) 3 dollars 

the answer is (b) 2 dollars 


which country did Singapore merge with in 1963 ? 

a) Malaysia 马来亚

b) Indonesia  印尼

c) Philippines 菲律宾

the answer is (a) Malaysia 马来亚


Which statement about elephants is false? 关于大象的说法哪项是错误的?

a) You can tell their species apart from their ears 从耳朵就能辨别它们的种类

b) Elephants drink from their trunks 大象用躯干饮水

c) Their tusks are used as teeth 它们的獠牙其实是牙齿

the answer is (b) Elephants drink from their trunks                             大象用躯干饮水


also known as the city of books, this place is located next to the oldest library in Singapore. This place also has the first ever popular bookstore. can u guess where this place is ?                                                这个地方也被称为书城,毗邻新加坡最古老的图书馆。这里还有第一家受欢迎的书店。你能猜出这个地方在哪里吗?   

a) Bras Basah Complex 

b) bugis junction 

c) Raffles place 

the answer is (a) Bras Basah Complex 


do you still remember a tradition dish from singapore called kaya toast ? now its about 1.20 to 1.50 for 4 slices of it, but do you remeber how it was back 1980s? 你还记得新加坡的一道传统美食——咖椰吐司吗?现在 4 片大约是 1.20 到 1.50,但你还记得 20 世纪 80 年代的情况吗? 

a) 50 cents 

b) 10 cents 

c) 20 cents 

the answer is (c) 20cents 


what was Singapore's name when it was founded by Sang Nila Utama ? 桑尼拉·乌塔玛 (Sang Nila Utama) 创立新加坡时,新加坡的名字是什么 

a) Sanskrit 梵文

b) Singapura 狮城

c) Temasek 淡马锡

the answer is (b) Singapura 狮城

Which statement about crocodiles and alligators is correct?                        鳄鱼和短吻鳄的说法正确的是?

a) Alligators are much faster than crocodiles on land and in water 短吻鳄在陆地和水中都比鳄鱼快得多

b) Both alligators and crocodiles bite by moving their upper jaw 短吻鳄和鳄鱼通过移动上颌来咬人

c) Only crocodiles tend to attack humans 只有鳄鱼才会攻击人类

the answer is (a) Alligators are much faster than crocodiles on land and in water 短吻鳄在陆地和水中都比鳄鱼快得多


this river has been the centre of trading for Singapore during the 1800s. it has also gone through a major clean up in 1977 to 1987. can you guess what this location is ?  这条河在 1800 年代一直是新加坡的贸易中心。 1977年至1987年间,它也经历过一次大清理。你能猜出这个位置是什么吗?

a) singapore river 

b) marina bay 

c) geylang river 

the answer is (a) singapore river 


kopi is a drink that every Singaporean drink every morning to get things going, priced at a whooping 1.40 per cup, how much was it back in the 1990s ? kopi 是每个新加坡人每天早上都会喝的饮料,每杯售价高达 1.40 美元,在 20 世纪 90 年代是多少钱?

a) 40 cents

b) 50 cents 

c) 30 cents 

the answer is (a) 40 cents 


Which politician was the second Prime Minister of Singapore ? 哪位政治家是新加坡第二任总理 ? 

a) Lee Hsien Yang 李显扬

b) Goh Chok Tong 吴作栋

c) Ng Eng Hen 黄永宏

the answer is (b) Goh Chok Tong 吴作栋


What is a common misconception of flying squirrels 对鼯鼠的常见误解是什么?

a) They have night vision 它们有夜视能力

b) They glow at night  它们能在夜里发光 

c) They are the only mammals that can fly 它们是唯一会飞的哺乳动物

the answer is (c)  They are the only mammals that can fly 它们是唯一会飞的哺乳动物


This place is famously known for its signature 3 tower. It has an integrated resort (IR) with a hotel, casino, retail mall, as well as convention facilities and entertainment venues including theatres, nightclubs and a museum. Can you guess where this place is ? 这个地方以其标志性的 3 座塔而闻名。它拥有一个综合度假村(IR),内有酒店、赌场、零售商场以及会议设施和娱乐场所,包括剧院、夜总会和博物馆。你能猜出这个地方在哪里吗?

a) orchard road 

b) esplanade 

c) Marina Bay Sands

The answer is (c) Marina Bay Sands 


now 酿头富( yong tau fu ) is priced at $1. 50 per ingredient which is so much more expensive compared to what it was it the 1990s. do u still remember how much it was? 酿豆腐现在每种原料的售价为 1.5 美元,比 20 世纪 90 年代贵得多。你还记得花了多少钱吗?

a) 50 cents 

b) 70 cents 

c) 1 dollar 

the answer is (a) 50 cents 


Who wrote the Singapore national anthem?                 新加坡国歌是谁写的?

a) Zubir Said

b) Toh Chin Chye 杜进才

c) Ong Pang Boon 王邦文

the answer is (a) Zubir Said 


What do sea turtles not do 海龟不会做什么?

a) Breathe air on land 陆上呼吸空气

b) Nest on the seabed 在海床产卵

c) They do not retreat into their shells 它们不会缩进壳里

the answer is (b) Nest on the seabed 在海床产卵


This location is where tradition olds that sir Stamford Raffles landed in on 28 January 1819. can you guess where its located ? 这个位置是斯坦福·莱佛士爵士于 1819 年 1 月 28 日登陆的传统老船的所在地。您能猜出它位于哪里吗?

a) boat quay 船码头

b) national art gallery 国家美术馆

c) the arts house 

the answer is (a) boat quay 船码头
