+/-/x or divide
5 x 9
What is 45
What is quotient?
The answer to a division problem.
Skip count by 6's from 6 to 60
What is 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60
In a story problems what key words tell you it is an addition problem?
What is in all, total, all together, etc
876- 598 =
What 278
What is words in a word problem tell you to subtract?
What is less than, fewer, gave away, left
120 divided by 10 =
What is 12
What you call an answer to an addition problem
What is sum?
1258 + 987=
What is 2245
What is a strategy for solving a multiplication problem?
What is an array, repeated addition, etc.