The dog took a nap
period .
I go to ValleyView Elementary.
Valley View
caison, tyler, and Brady sat together.
Caison and Tyler
Another word for happy
excited, ecstatic, glad, joyful
Eye Contact
How old are you
question mark ?
The color of my shirt isred.
I live in york.
First, then, _________
True or false: you should whisper when you present
Happy birthday
exclamation point !
Can weeat our snack now?
we eat
the Girls wore dresses today.
Add a detail: My shirt is cool.
It is red with stripes
It has polka dots and flowers on it
It matches my blue jeans
True or False: you should speak clearly when presenting
When is it time for recess
question mark ?
I have 2brothers.
2 brothers
The cat's name is whiskers.
Add a detail: I have a sister
She is tall
She is friendly
She has blond hair and blue eyes
Read this sentence with clearly with good volume:
I love summer because I get to go swimming.
I love summer because I get to go swimming.
Make sure you pack your take home folder
period .
I am so happytoday is Friday!
My Mom reads me books at night, like magic treehouse.
mom, Magic Treehouse
Add a detail: My favorite thing to learn is... because
math, I like counting
reading, books are interesting
science, I want to be a scientist when I am older
List 4 things you should do while presenting
Eye Contact, Volume, Expression, Flow