Community health nurse
Primary Health care & principles (PHC)
Values, Beliefs and
behaviours in Aboriginal communities
Aboriginal Communities
A voluntary program whereby nurses in a variety of specialties can become certified through the Canadian Nurses Association in their specialty.
CHN certification
A model of essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound, and acceptable methods and technology universally accessible to individuals and families in the community at a cost that the community and country can afford to maintain" is known as what?
Primary Health Care
Time is viewed as flowing and always with them. They learn to follow nature's rhythm.
Relativity of Time.
Who is/are the potential sources of leadership in aboriginal communities?
Elders of the community
An interest group of RNAO which acts as the voice of CHN influencing the health care system and health and social policy in the areas where they work is known as... ?
Community Health Nurses' Initiatives Groups (CHNIG)
CHN's across Canada describe a number of challenges to them making strong health impacts. These challenges include a. An emphasis on acute care which impacts funding for health promotion and prevention. b. An increased ability to clearly articulate the contributions of CHN's.
a. An emphasis on acute care which impacts funding for health promotion and prevention.
What is referred to the curative treatment of disease, rehabilitation, and preventive measures (e.g., immunization, smoking cessation, dietary changes etc.)?
Primary care
According to the aboriginal communities each child is born with something known as what?
Natural resilience
Residential schools in the eastern provinces were originally established by ...?
Missionaries usually of Jesuit or the Roman Catholic Church
A specific group of people, often living in a defined geographical area, who share a common culture, values and norms and are arranged in a social structure according to relationships which the communities had developed over a period of time (WHO, 1998), is known as what?
The organizational attributes that contribute community health nurses identified as promoting nursing practice included what? a. Having strong and narrow mandates b. A culture of creativity and responsiveness
A culture of creativity and responsiveness
Primary care reform has resulted in what? a. Establishing Family Health Teams. b. Closing community health centers.
a. Establishing Family Health Teams.
Aboriginal people believe in the sacredness of all creation, which causes them to view themselves as the caretakers of the natural realm.
Respect for nature
Which of the following is the legal term used to describe ANY descendents of the people who inhabited Canada prior to the arrival of Europeans? a. First Nation person b. Registered Indian c. Aboriginal person d. Status Indian
Aboriginal person: The Canadian Constitution uses the term "Aborignal" to refer to FIrst Nations, Metis, and Inuit as the original inhabitants of Canada.
The Indian Act was originally designed to do what?
To protect the land base reserved to status Indian
Harm principle, least restrictive or coercive means, reciprocity and transparency are what kind of principles of Public Health Interventions?
Ethical principles
Individuals and communities must be partners throughout the nursing process as decisions are made that affect their health. If a CHN provides information and teaching about working in groups so that community members will feel comfortable attending community project meetings, this would be an example of what?
Community capacity building
Which are the Colors in medicine wheel?
Black, white, yellow and red.
One of the intergenerational impacts of the residential school legacy is the lack of parenting skills. Creating parenting programs in the community should follow this principle: a. Establish partnership with respected Elders in the community. b. Create a poster display outlining the effects on children who lack appropriate parenting.
Establishing partnership with Elders would facilitate uptake of new information as Elders are the traditional knowledge keepers in aboriginal communities.
There is a Political Action Class set up for student nurses in year three; the Political Action is testable. Guest speakers are Diane Betts and Soo Wong. Give details of when and where it is held?
Monday, November 26, 2012. In Auditorium, during 1810-1950hrs.
A CHN discovers that women in a particular part of the province receive PAP smears much less frequently than the national average in Canada. How best can she intervene to ensure that access to health services is equitable?
Discover what barriers these women experience and plan interventions accordingly. This intervention gets at the source of inequities and barriers that might exist so that they can be better addressed.
List three principles of Primary Health Care.
1. Universal access to health care services 2. Active public participation by individuals and communities in decisions that affect their health and lives 3. Partnership with other disciplines, communities and sectors for health 4. Partnership with other disciplines, communities and sectors for health
Aboriginal people are comfortable with silence and talking for the sake of talking is not part of their culture. What form of communication this is?
Non-verbal communication.
The medicine wheel health belief model encompasses the following human concepts
Spiritual, physical, emotional and mental.
There are four essential parts of the aborignal worldview. These include Philosophy, mental, emotional and