End of Life Decisions
Who's Responsible?
Ethical Issues
What To Do?
State Board of Nursing
This type of advanced directive specifies that a patient does not want CPR performed in the event of cardiac arrest
What is a DNR
This person is responsible for explaining dnr and full code to patient and family
Who is the doctor
This Privacy Rule provides federal protections for personal health information held by covered entities and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information
What is HIPAA
A competent person can refuse a treatment knowing he will die without it and it is not considered medical assisted suicide. True or False
What is true
Fraud, unprofessional conduct, use of drugs/alcohol that render a person unsafe to practice nursing.
What are things that can get your nursing license suspended
The authority to act for another person in legal and financial matters
What is power of attorney
The person who is responsible for all end of life decisions for someone under the age of 18
Who is a parent or legal gaurdian
These require a physicians order, but may be placed in emergency situations as long as an order is obtained within 30 minutes of placement
What are physical restraints
A competent person can request a treatment knowing that it will result in death and it is not considered medical assisted suicide. True or False.
What is False
There are 24 states under this agreement
What is the nursing licensure compact?
This document allows you to designate another person to make medical decisions on your behalf
What is medical power of attorney
This person is responsible for advocating for the patients wishes and providing care to keep the patient comfortable
Who is the Registered Nurse
This type of abuse may include bruises of different stages to an individual that may be bedridden or have limited mobility
What is nursing home neglect/abuse
There is no DNR in the patients chart; however, the patients advanced directive states they do not want any life saving measures if they go into cardiac arrest what do you do according to the ANA?
What is administer CPR
Statute enacted by the legislature of each of the states or by the appropriate officers of the districts or possessions. Delineates the legal scope of the practice of nursing within the geographic boundaries of the jurisdiction.
What is the Nursing Practice Act?
This form allows you to not be resuscitated in any health care setting, at home, under hospice care, or in an ambulance
What is a Durable DNR
This person is responsible for properly designating work to CNAs and LPNs
Who is the RN
This may be any situation that places the nurse under emotional stress and may cause them to be torn between several different decisions involving patient care
What is a moral or ethical dilemma
The ANA states that it is unethical to administer escalating doses of opioids to patients under palliative care when the original dose is no longer providing comfort. True or False?
What is false
45-90 days is how long you must wait before doing this
What is retaking your NCLEX?
A written statement detailing a person's desires regarding their medical treatment in circumstances in which they are no longer able to express informed consent
What is an advanced directive
This person is responsible for the efficient management of a department in a clinic, hospital or health care facility. They are in charge of the operational aspects, including admissions and discharge...
Who is the charge nurse?
You may be charged with this if you provide treatment to patient that was against their specified wishes
What is battery?
In this situation the ANA states that you should transfer care of your patient to another nurse
What to do when you have a personal problem with patient or families decisions
You must fill out an application form and sometimes there is a fee in order to do this
What is apply for licensure in a new state?