Universal theme: rarity
Meaning: happening very rarely
Idiom: once in a ____ _____
blue moon
There are 2 types of bones - bones that keep you upright and bones that allow movement.
Name both types.
Axial bones and appendicular bones.
Word that means "a machine that moves air" AND "someone who roots for a team":
Which is the only continent that has no countries in it?
In JavaScript, what does "var" stand for?
Universal theme: optimism
Meaning: Anytime a bad thing happens, something good also comes out of it.
Adage: Every cloud has a ____ _____.
silver lining
There are 2 types of involuntary muscles - muscles that make your heart beat and muscles that allow movement in other internal organs, like the large intestine, stomach and bladder.
Name both types.
Cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.
Word that means "an armored attack vehicle" and "a house for fish":
Turkey, Russia, and Egypt are all ______ countries.
What does "www" stand for?
World-Wide Web
Universal theme: rage
Meaning: very angry
Idiom: seeing _____
There are 3 types of blood vessels - blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart, blood vessels that carry blood toward your heart, and blood vessels that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide to your body parts.
Name all three types.
Arteries, veins, and capillaries.
Words that mean: "looks without blinking" and "a lot of upward or downward steps":
What is the common geographical feature of Michigan and Florida?
A peninsula.
What does "src" stand for?
Universal theme: naivete/gullibility
Meaning: believing that there is nothing bad or dangerous in the world
Idiom: seeing the world through ____-____ _____
rose-colored glasses
There are 3 layers o the skin - the top layer that protects your body from the outside, the middle layer that contains blood vessels and nerves, and the bottom layer that cushions and keeps you warm
Name all three layers.
Epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat.
Word that means "body part containing the radius and ulna" and "weapons":
Hawaii is a group of islands, aka an "_______".
What do "png" and "gif" stand for?
portable networks graphic
graphic interchange format
Universal theme: perception, comparison
Meaning: Don't be jealous of others; everyone always thinks that others have it better than they do.
Adage: The grass is always ______ ___ ___ _____ ____.
greener on the other side
greener on the other side of the fence
There are 4 components of your blood - the liquid part, the oxygen carriers, the infection fighters, and the repairers.
Name all four components.
Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
Words that mean "funny" and "bone in your arm":
humorous and humerus.
What North American island actually is part of the European country of Denmark?
What does "http" stand for?
HyperText Transfer Protocol