Casey at The Bat
Figurative Language
The Mudville 9 is the name of a. Casey's Bat b. A huge ditch that surrounds the baseball field c. Casey's Baseball team
What is c. Casey's Baseball Team
Line 28 states that...Defiance glanced in Casey's eye, a sneer curled Casey's lip a. metaphor b. assonance c. idiom
What is c. An idiom is a phrase that has special meaning different from the meanings of individual words.
In stanza four of Casey at the Bat. The phrase stricken multitude can be described as___ a. a crowd of people affected by great trouble b. how many strikes Casey has c. a nickname of the Mudville 9
What is a. a crowd of people affected by great trouble
Line 20 reads...For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat...Why do you think Casey's name is repeated? a. He is the main character and Mudville's only hope to win the game b. His first name is Casey and his last name happens to be Casey. c. Casey rhymes with the author's name therefore he repeats it.
What is a. He is the main character and Mudville's only hope to win the game?
In Casey at the Bat The author writes the roar is "like the beating of the storm waves on a stern and distant shore." The_____emphasizes the volume and intensity of the crowd's response after Casey takes a first strike. a. personification b.simile c. metaphor c.
b. What is a simile?
In stanza five a dell can be describe as___. a. moutaintop b. a very popular computer brand c. a valley
What is c. a valley
Casey at the bat is a __________. a. narrative poem b. haiku poem c. short story
What is a. narrative poem?
The yell "rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell." The author's use of__________demonstrates how loud the roar of the crowd is. a. alliteration b. assonance c. hyperbole
What is c. hyperbole or extreme exaggeration
A spheroid can be used to described a ____ a. baseball b. football c. baseball bat
What is a. a baseball?
What is the main conflict in Casey at the Bat? a. Casey vs. the Mudville 9 b. Casey vs. the pitcher c. Casey vs. the umpire
What is b. Casey vs. the pitcher
Tongues applaud as Casey steps into the batter's box and wipes his hands on his shirt. Again, the author emphasizes the excitement of the crowd in his use of figurative language. a. metaphor b. simile c. personification
What is personification? giving non human things human characteristics.
Casey's visage in the poem is ____. a. his home jersey b. his face c. his old teamate
What is b. his face
What inferences can you make about Casey from the poem? a. he has a good relationship with his fans. b. he is rich c. he has lost many games over his career
What is a. he has a good relationship with his fans
In the second stanza of the poem, the crowd is in "deep despair." The emphasis on the despair of the crowd is created as a means to give the reader an indication of the mindset and mood of the poem before Casey comes to bat. Deep Despair is _____.
What is alliteration?
The closest meaning to haughty grandeur is _____. a. scary and big b. proud majesty and splendor c. the haunted house in mudville
What is b. proud majesty and splendor