Paper Citizens
Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism, Feminism
Global and Regional Governance (Ch6)
Making Foreign Policy
Non-Governmental Actors (Ch.7)
Illegal immigrant using/obtaining illegitimate documents.
What is Documentary Citizenship?
Realists argue that these are meaningless in the international system.
What are Non-State Actors?
This is a physical entity (Hint: International Institutions vs. International Organizations)
What is International Organization?
This practice performs four important functions, such as communication among actors, negotiation for peace, participation in regional and international organizations, and promotion of trade and other economic interests.
What is diplomacy?
Situation where companies take advantage of loopholes in order to avoid unprofitable regulations.
What is a regulation arbitrage situation?
The most decisive form of ID in a developing country is: A. Ration Card B. Passport C. High School Certificate D. Marriage Certificate
What is B? (passport)
The type of Realism that says states should maximize their power and try to achieve hegemony
What is Offensive Realism?
These are two examples of Nonstate international actors.
What are NGOs, Multinational businesses/corporations, Terrorist Groups, Cartels, etc.?
The perception of USA as nation with values and traditions that other states should emulate.
What is American Exceptionalism?
Bacardi, Marriott, and Apple fall under this type of corporation.
What is a multinational corporation?
These are two reasons why blurred membership for natives occurs.
What is Lack of awareness, living in rural areas far from government reach, corrupt officials demand bribes, state fees cost too much, cultural complications, etc.?
This theory states that two democracies will not go to war with one another.
What is the Democratic Peace Thesis?
The principle of sovereignty is considered this institution: A. Deep Constitutional Institution B. Fundamental Institution C. Issue-Specific Institution
What are Deep Constitutional Institutions?
These are principles of articulation of national interests and the means chosen to secure those interests, and how states interact with one another.
What is foreign policy?
Citizens and groups that are neither in the public sector nor the private sector and that engage in dialogue, debate, conflict, and negotiation.
What is a Civil Society?
In the Book's preface, professor Sadiq begins with the idea that A. Illegal immigrants to western countries should be overlooked entirely B. Illegal immigrants in the developing world are largely ignored C. Immigrants coming from Bandladesh going to India outnumber all other immigrants in the world combined.
What is B (developing world immigrants are ignored).
This type of Feminism argues that mainstream feminism is too western and aims to help women globally
What is PostColonial Feminism?
Some scholars argue international law is becoming "Supranational" Law. This refers to how
International Law used to be concerned with just order: outside of state boundaries. Now it is also concerned with justice and human rights: reaches inside state boundaries.
This term was commonly referred to as "propaganda" in the 1900s.
What is public diplomacy?
This type of organization tends to work in these areas: 1.Sharing our planet 2.Sharing our humanity 3.Sharing our governance
What area do NGOs work in?
Country in Paper Citizens that is supposedly a role model for the rest of the developing world for having high percents of birth registration.
What is Malaysia?
One criticism that constructivism has for Realists is that Realists do not acknowledge states can have differing _______
What are Interests or goals?
All 6 divisions of the UN.
What are (any order) the General Assembly, ECOSOC, Trusteeship Council, Security Council, International Court of Justice, and Secretariat?
These are two examples of sticks and two examples of carrots.
Sticks: What are Embargo/sanctions;Military Threat;Public Condemnation; etc? Carrots: What are Development assistance; humanitarian aid; program aid; trade deals etc.?
An NGO pushed this International treaty, which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that commits State Parties to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, based on the premise that global warming exists and man-made CO2 emissions have caused it.
What is the Kyoto Protocol?