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The purpose of this IUPUI entity is to help students enrolled in various math courses. It is located in Taylor Hall.
What is the Math Assistance Center (MAC)
If this Kelley club was a treehouse, it would have a sign outside that said, "No Boys Allowed"
What is Women in Business
This is the governing body over Kelley clubs.
What is Kelley School of Business Indianapolis Student Government
This is the document that students look to enhance by joining various Kelley organizations
What is their resume
Sally wants an internship. However, an advisor from Kelley Careers said that she needed to add more to her resume. This would be a great suggestion for Sally.
What is join a Kelley club or organization
This option in applying to Kelley requires at least 26 completed credit hours, including a list of seven required courses.
What is Option 1
This is the only fraternal Kelley organization.
What is Delta Sigma Pi
This is one of the organizations that your mentor has connections with, and may be able to help interested prospects get involved.
What is Delta Sigma Pi, IU Accounting Association, Capital Invesments Club, Kelley Indianapolis Cares, or Marketing Club
This is one way Kelley clubs/organizations help students build new knowledge/skills
What is workshops, simulations, and interactive events
Henry knows that most employers prefer well-rounded applicants that give back to the community. He wants to find an business-related organization that specializes in community service. This is his best option.
What is Kelley Indianapolis Cares
(True/False) The declared major(s) indicated in the application to Kelley is (are) final.
What is False
Students who's dream is to start their own business or company would benefit greatly from this club.
What is the Entrepreneurship Club
These are the four main elements that students have the opportunity to gain from each Kelley organization.
What is leadership experience, networking, job/internships, and new knowledge/skill sets
These are some reasons students should join the newly activated, Kelley International Business Club
What is to gain a better understanding of blobal business practices and career opportunities, grow in international experience and exposure, become better-prepared citizens & professionals in a globalized economy
Peggy-Sue wants to join the Marketing Club and is wondering how she can join. This is the answer to her inquery. (hint: this should answer what and where)
What is fill out an application from the Marketing Club's website and bring it to the next event
This on-campus group provides mentors and other learning resources to students to aid in their academic success.
What is the Bepko Learning Center
This is the newest ESTABLISHED Kelley organization
What is the Capital Investments Club
To re-organize a club, you should contact this person.
What is Carly Stamey or Angie Meyer
These are the four main elements that students can gain from involvement in Kelley clubs/organizations
What is leadership experience, networking, new knowledge/skills, and jobs/internships
Fred has a lot of initiative, and wishes to have his own organization. He worked to create one with some friends, but after a month they began to realize they lacked time or resources to get the club approved. This is the best alternative for Fred to consider.
What is re-organize an inactive organization
(True/False) Among the Study Abroad programs offered through the Indianapolis Kelley School of Business, some overseas options include: -Shanhai, China -Masstricht, The Netherlands -Sydney, Australia
What is True
These are the three Kelley organizations that are currently inactive.
What is IU Finance Association, Honors Academy, and Minorities in Business
This is the main way students can get involved with any of the listed clubs.
What is participate in club events
The Society for Human Resources Management is affiliated with what HR organizations? (name one of two)
What is Human Resources Association of Central Indiana and the National Society of Human Resources Management Organization
Jill is fascinated by supply chain concepts and wants to learn more and become equainted with professionals in the field. This is the club she is looking for.
What is Operations and Supply Chain Management Club