This person of the Trinity is the source and cause of the other two persons
The Father
Some people pray with pride in their hearts. We should really pray with this opposite feeling?
When the people wanted more of this, he turned water into what?
The name "Panagia" means what in English?
All-holy/Supremely holy
What happened on Christmas?
Jesus *Christ*, Who existed before He made the earth, was born on earth as a baby.
This form of Christianity is known as the “true faith” because it is preserved exactly as taught from Jesus to His disciples and remains unchanged today and for ever and ever.
What person of the Trinity appeared as a dove. He also came down as fire on the 12 apostles.
The Holy Spirit
What prayer was taught to us by Jesus word-for-word?
The Lord's Prayer (The Our Father)
The Pharisees hated Jesus because He did miracles on this day of the week
The Sabbath(Saturday)
What is the name of the angel that told Mary she would give birth to the Son of God?
Jesus' Mother is Mary.
Jesus' Father is who?
This word means helping others in need, whether by giving money, time, or any other form of help.
When God appeared to anyone in the form of a man(from the beginning of the world until now), what person was it?
The Son; Jesus Christ
What short but powerful prayer can we repeat no matter the time or place?
The Jesus prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me
He healed a woman of this issue with her body
Her back was bent over always
When we pray to her, she prays to the Lord to have mercy on us. What is the specific word for this?
To intercede/ the Intercessor
What entered Mary's womb so that the Son of God was conceived?
The Holy Spirit
When crossing ourselves, we put ____ fingers together, to symbolize the ___ persons of God.
Three (3)
The Father is God, and from eternity the Son and the Holy Spirit are connected to Him and are also divine(God).
Is there another god that exists?
No; the Trinity is the only God.
Sometimes we can be distracted during prayer. To focus, we can use this.
Prayer rope/Komboskini
What did Christ do on the third day after He died?
He resurrected
Who has God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit given more honor than Panagia?
No one.
Where was Jesus born?
Bethlehem/In a cave
Jesus used these stories to teach lessons to the people around Him.
This person of the Trinity is more powerful and wise than the others
TRICK QUESTION! GOTTEM!! They are equal in ALL things.
We pray to God, Panagia, and the saints for other people on earth. We must also pray for people in this place.
What will Christ do at His Second Coming?
He will judge the living and the dead; the righteous and the sinners
Panagia is called the Queen of what?
For what purpose was Jesus born?
To save the world from sin and death(by His death and resurrection from death)
"Jesus" means "The salvation of God"
"Christ" means "The anointed one"(chosen one)
These three words that start with “omni-" and can be used to describe God
omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient