One of you is a sussy baka. What game might this impostor be playing?
Among Us
What instrument does Squidward play?
This jedi master lived over 900 years and might not be tall enough to ride the roller coaster
This author wrote the Chronicles of Narnia
Who is CS Lewis?
This George was the first president of the United States
Who is George Washington?
"Where is my supersuit!?" is a line said by what hero in a popular Pixar film
Frozone in The Incredibles
How many years has Mr. Davison been playing saxophone?
15 years
In the Revenge of the Sith, this jedi master confronts General Grievous. What are the first words he says to Grievous?
Hello there!
This is the technical term for the beginning/plot set up of a novel
This George wrote the musical composition "Rhapsody in Blue"
George Gershwin
This pop star released two albums during quarantine entitled "Folklore" and "Evermore"
Taylor Swift
What Disney movie contains the song "A Whole New World" ?
In the Empire Strikes Back, this smuggler is located in Cloud City and invites Han and his friends in
Lando Calrissian
This author wrote The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald
This George can be found with the man with the yellow hat
Curious George
Greta Gerwig
He wrote the composition "Moose the Mooche"
Charlie Parker
What planet is Chewbacca from?
This elf is a companion of Frodo Baggins and played by Orlando Bloom in the live action movie
This George is a famous reporter/anchor for ABC News
George Stephanopolous
This actor voiced both Mufasa and Darth Vader
James Earl Jones
If Beethoven, Haydn, and Mozart make up the first Viennese school of composer, what composers make up the second Viennese school?
Berg, Webern, Schoenberg
In 2012, Disney purchased Star Wars from George Lucas. How much did Disney pay for the franchise?
4 billion $$$
This novel begins "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
This George was in the Beatles
George Harrison