What is Brazil
What is Laughing emoji
What is Canada
What is Australlia
Who is the best at softball
Who is Jennie Finch
This was a colony of the Dutch Empire once ,it is not Brazil
What is Suriname
What is love emoji
What is Germany
What is Ethiopia
What year did fast pitch softball become popular
What is the 1900's
This Empire covered most of South America's west
What is the Inca Empire
What is happy emoji
What is India
What is the UAE
In the early days what item was rolled up for a ball
What are boxing gloves
This is the most populated city in Brazil
What is Sao Paulo
What is winking emoji
What is Poland
What is Egypt
What is position 8 called
What is Center field
This country in South America went to war with the UK for the Falklands
What is Argentina
What is nervous emoji
What is Austria
What is Kazakhstan
When was the Pitcher Machine made?
What is 1897