It's 2000, and it sounds like Justin Timberlake and four of his friends are leaving, no strings attached
Bye Bye Bye
No need to watch the game, or even the Kiera Knightly movie named after him. Still, in the mid 2000's, many fans were bending their necks to see this English soccer stud.
David Beckham
This household hardware product is so popular, the amount bought last year could stretch to the moon and back.
Duct Tape
Though difficult to understand, this cartoon duck taught many lessons as a Disney Character
Donald Duck
An expression for an often chaotic, and always pointless, search
Wild Goose Chase
It's 1970, and Robert's really getting in touch with his Scandinavian roots. He kept rambling on about a cruise to Valencia, Vandalia, Valley Hallah, or something? I forget, but he said it snows there.
Led Zeppelin
Immigrant Song
This hunk kicked his way into girl's hearts around the world when he replaced David Beckham as Manchester's resident athlete turned underwear model.
Cristiano Ronaldo
Many offices have a code to manage this
To step down, or leave a role
This fruit is held in high esteem in India, where it is claimed to treat heartburn and cholesterol. Scientists claim it's more effective in pies.
In 1968 Mick Jagger introduced me to his old friend. Couldn't guess his name, but he seemed like a fun guy. Hardworking, well traveled, also kind of a history buff.
The Rolling Stones
Sympathy for the Devil
You MAY remember these American Olympians who went undefeated from 2012-2016
They made it seem effortless, too, they never left the beach or changed out of bikinis!
Misty May-Treanor (May) and Kerri Walsh
Completed by the Romans in 314 B.C., these structures helped hydrate and sanitize densely populated ancient cities
An old timey cocktail, City in Arizona, or Arizona's Governor
This nickname for Canada's $1 coin is a reference to the bird found on its reverse. Take two and make a $2 Toonie, Eh?
My friend Rhianna has been getting weird looks since moving to Seattle in 2007. She's still not used to the rain, and she's just too fashionable for bulky coats, but no one seems to own one here...
The most dangerous high school sport in America is not the one happening on the field. It's actually these people on the sideline who the team doctor should be watching.
This refers to a thin metal rolled out into wire, or a word meaning pliable
In Japanese class, this would be the role of your Sensei
Educate / Educator
Geese demonstrate their natural inclination for teamwork, especially on long trips. You might see them pass by in this alphabetical formation.
Flying V
My friend Kurt is so cool. He doesn't care about his recent success with his band. He's still the same guy I knew in 1991. Made millions and he still likes his old ripped comfy jeans. When he comes, over I tell him...
Come as You Are
It seems like everyone in America watches the Super bowl, but nearly three times as many fans tune in for this non olympic tournament coming in 2022
World Cup
Someone certified to work with ducting may have a certification for HVAC, meaning this
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
In 2004 comedy, Dodgeball, Vince Vaughn's character is coached by legendary athlete Patches O'Houlihan on the Five D's of Dodgeball: Dodge, Dip, Dive...
Duck and... Dodge
These Ornithological idioms are almost opposites. The first is Great in golf, billing statements, or for a farm breakfast. The second phase means an asset that usually gives you more than the first.
Goose Egg / Golden Goose