Who Wrote It?
Famous Bills 2
Buckeye Lore

The Watergate break-in and subsequent cover-up that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

What is the FBI?

  • The Communist Manifesto
  • Das Kapital
  • The German Ideology

Who is Marx?


This branch of philosophy is concerned with moral phenomena. It investigates normative questions about what people ought to do or which behavior is right.

What is Ethics?


This Bill was the 42nd US President.

Who is Bill Clinton?


In 2022, Ohio State officially registered a trademark for this word after a nearly three-year legal battle.

What is "THE"?


The illegal sale of arms to Iran and the funneling of proceeds to Nicaraguan rebels during the Reagan administration. (And maybe selling cocaine too?)

What is the CIA?

  • On Liberty
  • Utilitarianism
  • The Subjection of Women

Who is Mill?


This fundamental branch of philosophy explores the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, and potentiality and actuality.

What is Metaphysics?


The Science Guy.

Who is Bill Nye?


This man went missing in 2006 from the old Ugly Tuna Saloona: sparking two decades of true crime mystery. He was seen entering the bar but never seen leaving. 

Who is Brian Shaffer?


The exposure of a mass surveillance program on American citizens, revealed by Edward Snowden.

What is the NSA?

  • Being and Nothingness
  • Nausea
  • Existentialism is a Humanism

Who is Sarte?


This ancient Greek philosopher's work laid the foundation for much of Western philosophy. He wrote 'The Republic,' where he described his vision of a just society and introduced the allegory of the cave, which explores the nature of knowledge and reality.

Who is Plato?


This Bill was at one time the richest man in the world.

Who is Bill Gates?


In 2010, OSU football players sold this memorabilia they received for beating that team up north. Dubbed, TatooGate-- players received tattoos and cash in exchange for the memorabilia. This eventually led to the firing of longtime coach Jim Tressel.

What are Gold Pants?


The Fast and Furious operation, during the Obama admin, where firearms were allowed to be sold to suspected criminals to trace their use, but many were lost and ended up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

What is the ATF?

  • Phenomenology of Spirit
  • Science of Logic
  • Elements of the Philosophy of Right

Who is Hegel?


The branch of philosophy that examines the nature, origin, and limits of knowledge. Also called theory of knowledge, it explores different types of knowledge, such as propositional knowledge about facts, practical knowledge in the form of skills, and knowledge by acquaintance as a familiarity through experience.

What is epistemology?


This Bill is the Prince of Wales.

Who is Prince William?


She, was the 1926 homecoming queen, due in part, to a rigged election. Only 10,000 students were enrolled and 12,000 votes had been cast. Despite the irregularities, this mystery candidate nominated by the College of Agriculture but not enrolled as a student, became Homecoming Queen.

Who is Maudine Ormsby (Maudine Cow)? Yes, we elected a cow to be homecoming queen.


The Teapot Dome scandal, where government officials accepted bribes in exchange for oil drilling rights on public lands during the Harding administration.

What is the Department of the Interior?

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Two Treatises of Government

A Letter Concerning Toleration

Who is Locke?


Simon Glendinning has suggested that this term was originally more pejorative than descriptive, functioning as a label for types of western philosophy rejected or disliked by analytic philosophers.

What is continental philosophy?


This Bill was Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England in 1564 and might have been a woman?

Who is William Shakespeare?


This group is reportedly the secret society of Ohio State, although not much proof exists. The Lantern claims to have discovered their space in the Union in 2011, and others on Reddit claim to have found their meeting room in Canfield Hall.

What is the Knights of the Scarlet Order?
