Dragon Ball Moves
Lore of the Rings
Famous Musicians
New World Native Cultures
Christmas Movies

An intense eruption of electromagnetic radiation in the Sun's (or another star's) atmosphere.

What is Solar Flare? 


What color of wizard is Gandalf before transitioning to the color white? 

What is Grey?


Boy band sensation who also starred in the 2017 film Dunkirk.

Who is Harry Styles?


Inspired by the Olmecs in as early as 1,000 B.C., Mesoamerican cultures were famous for building what types of structures as their temples? 

What are step pyramids?


In 1983's cult classic A Christmas Story, Ralphie dreams of getting what as a present?

What is a Red Ryder Air Rifle?


The prevailing cosmological model explaining the existence of the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution. (Followed by 'Attack')

What is Big Bang Attack? 


What is the name of the fire demon Gandalf fights in the mines of Moria?

What is a Balrog?


Lead singer for the band Black Sabbath.

Who is Ozzy Osborne?


This Mesoamerican culture was famous for their highly developed writing system and spoken language which is still used today by over 6 million people in South America. They also famously incorporated high level mathematics and astronomy into their religious practices, including the use of a calendar. 

Who are the Maya?


Chevy Chase plays the head of this disfunctional family in thee 1989 film Christmas Vacation.

Who are the Griswolds?


Japanese for 'Garlic Cannon.'

What is Galick Gun?


Where in Mordor is the One Ring forged and ultimately returned to by Frodo? 

What is Mt. Doom? 


Founder and guitarist for the band Van Halen. 

Who is Eddie Van Halen?


The Incan citadel Machu Picchu is located in the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes in this country. 

What is Peru?


In the 2003 film Elf, Buddy's father Walter Hobbs works in what building?

What is The Empire State Building?


Japanese for "Fist of the King of Worlds."

What is Kaioken?


Sting, the sword gifted by Bilbo to Frodo, glows what color when Orcs are nearby? 

What is Blue? 


Rapper, Actor, and Producer famous for their roles in Law and Order SVU as well as a critically acclaimed metal band: Body Count

Who is Ice-T?


There are 2 US states that gain their name from Native American tribes, name one of these states.

What is Illinois or Alabama?


DAILY DOUBLE: Worth 1600 points, must be answered by the player who chose question.

In Home Alone, what are the names of the two thieves who try to break into the McAllister home?

Who are Harry and Marv (or the Wet Bandits)?


The founder and first ruler of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

What is Kamehameha?


Viggo Mortenson Jr. famously broke a bone in what part of his body in a take that ended up making the final cut of the film The Two Towers?

What is his foot or toe?


Guitarist for Rage Against the Machine and notorious political activist who featured as a playable character in Guitar Hero III.

Who is Tom Morello?


Laid to waste in 1521 by the Spanish Conquistadors, this Aztec super city was the capitol of their civilization, and home to the Templo Mayor, a site of brutal human sacrifices. 

What is Tenochtitlan?


Before leaving acting to take the stage as the lead singer for the rock band The Pretty Reckless, this actress played Cindy Lou Who in the 2000 live action film How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Who is Taylor Momsen?
