this marking, also known as the things commonly left around the living room is called a ___
(play sound 1)
Like Josephine, when Pope Francis was 21, he suffered from ____
Pnumonia, he had to have part of his lung excised
This shoe was worn by the wepee team last year
(50 bonus pts for price: must be within $10)
Asics / gel rocket is acceptable
A Harry Potter character, known for her eccentric personality and love of magical creatures.
Luna lovegood
This horse marking is also the noise scissors commonly omit
(play sound 2)
Pope Francis’s dad had the noblest of jobs, which one of this household has had an internship in. He was an ____
The "______" fencing shoes share a name with the sword King Arthur pulled from the stone
(50 bonus pts for price: must be within $10)
Excalibur Fencing Shoes
A bold, short haircut style for woman
Pixie cut
This horse foot marking shares its name with a type of tight-fitting legwear commonly worn by women.
(play sound 3)
Pope Francis is a great ___ dancer. He is quoted as saying “___ comes from deep within me.” What is the type of dance to which he is referring?
The Nike "_____ " shoes share a name with a common fencing move
(50 bonus pts for price: must be within $10)
Nike Ballestras 2 ; Ballestra is acceptable
"General ___" is a 1936 American spin-off from Hal Roach's comedy, 'Our Gang'
General Spanky
This horse marking shares its name with a flexible part of the body that connects two bones and allows movement.
(play sound 4)
Before the path of priesthood, Pope Francis graduated as a _____
chemical technician
The "Nike _____ ____" fencing shoes share a name with a video conferencing platform.
(50 bonus pts for price: must be within $10)
Nike Air Zoom
A common affliction for aging men, this face marking is called ___ Face
Bald Face
(play sound 5)
Pope Francis once reported being angry by how ______ were taking the place of children.
He said that having pets instead of children was "another phenomenon of cultural degradation",
This fencing shoe is owned by Roark Harris, able to shift between 'sport' and 'leisure'
(50 bonus pts for price: must be within $10)
A group of asteroids and the main character of an animated Netflix show by Luke Pearson