Depresses it
What does alcohol do to your brain?
There are more than 7,000 vape juice flavors available to e-cigarette users.
How many flavors of vapes are there?
Use of marijuana can cause significant health, safety, social and learning problems.
Marijuana is harmless.
Sniffed or smoked or rubbed into the gums
How do you use cocaine
Only 7% of youth (grades 7-12) smoke cigarettes, but 11% of youth use e-cigarettes.
E- cigarettes are the most commonly used nicotine product used by what demographic?
Cirrhosis of the Liver
A condition in which the lining of the liver is replaced with scar tissue.
to look cool, to fit in, for the flavors, and as part of a social activity
Why do most youth start using e-cigarettes?
weed, pot, reefer, grass, dope, hash, kush.
4 nicknames or slang names for Marijuana.
Powdered cocaine and crack cocaine
What are the two forms of cocaine
863,000 adolescents are in need of substance abuse/ addiction treatment
What's the estimated number of teens who abuse substances in the U.S?
5 or more drinks (male), or 4 or more drinks (female), in about 2 hours.
How many drinks is considered binge drinking
Ruth to add OTRU
1 harmful ingredient that is in an e-cigarette
constant depressed mood, increased anxiety, and aggression.
Emotional effects of Marijuana.
friends and family
60% of kids get the prescription drugs they abuse from?
What percent of teen involved car crashes are alcohol based?
Alcohol Poisoning
What's the possible risk for someone who is drinking enough for their Central Nervous system to shut down?
A batter, cartridge/tank, liquid and an atomizer containing a heating element.
What are the four main components of an E- cigarette
Increased heart rate, dry mouth, red eyes, lessened coordination and balance, "dreamy" state of mind, and slackened muscles.
When marijuana is used, what are three side effects?
drug abuse
Using drugs that aren't prescribed to you
Canadian youth are the second highest in the world when it comes to using cannabis
Canadian youth use less cannabis than youth from any other country in the world.
Energy, Water, and Carbon Dioxide
After alcohol is broken down in the Liver, it turns into what three things?
20 metres (same as smoking)
E-cigarettes cannot be used within how many metres of a school?
Regardless of potency, people cannot fatally overdose on it.
People cannot experience a fatal overdose from marijuana.
bennies, black beauties, crosses, downs, barbs, benzos, sizzurp, lean, syrup
What are two names prescription drugs can also be known as
47% of teens will have used an illegal substance by the time they graduate from high school
How many high school students use substances before graduation?