Which astronomer is called out in “Bohemian Rhapsody”
What is the name of the world’s longest river?
What are the 3 Primary colors
Red, yellow, blue
What Is A Group Of Witches Called?
What name does deer meat go by?
Richard Hatch is the very first winner of which reality TV show?
Which bird’s eye is bigger than its brain?
Which natural disaster is measured with a Richter scale?
Name The Magician Who Died On Halloween.
harry houdini
What fast food chain once used the slogan "Think outside the bun"
taco bell
In the US version of The Office, what is the name of the city they live in?
Scranton PA
area 51 is located in what state?
What part of the atom has no electric charge?
Which three zodiac signs are summer signs?
Cancer, leo, & virgo
What is the worlds hottest chili pepper?
Pepper X or Carolina Reaper
What is the longest-running animated television show in the United States?
Which American state is the largest (by area)
Which bone are babies born without?
knee cap
Who Wrote The Novel, Frankenstein?
Mary Shelley
How many spots are on the Dominoe’s pizza logo?
What is the highest grossing holiday movie of all time? (Christmas)
Home Alone
What is the only mammal capable of true flight?
Which blood type is a universal donor?
O negative
On a dartboard, the numbers go 1 up to what?
Which fast-food chain has the second most locations in the world?