Nick Chubb wears what jersey number
What 2 jersey numbers has LeBron wore
23, 6
What is Mr. Shivleys first name
A walking taco is usually served with what type of chip
How many sides are on a di
In those draft kings commercials who are the 2 people in them
Kevin Hart, LeBron James
What 2 jersey number has lamello ball wore
1, 2
Name all three people who liked lollipops in my science fair project
Garrett Cameron Charlie
What month does McDonalds shamrock shock come out
In Black Jack how does one acquire a black jack
Ace and a face or a 10
What was the name of the 1st year Patriots head coach who got fired
Jarod Mayo
What 2 numbers has James Harden wore
1, 13
What is the name of our football field
Len Dawson field
Does Applebees sell pepsi or coke products
Put it all on Red or Black
Red- +600 points
Black- -600 points
Amari cooper has worn 3 jersey number which are...
2, 18, 19
Who is the NBA Commissioner
Adam Silver
Name all 4 principles
Mrs. Woodford
Mr. Krager
Mr. Fontaine
Mrs. Herdman
What state is Jake from state farm from (they film all of the commercials there)
What is the name of the casino in GTA 5
Diamond casino
Oj Simpson played what position and what team
Running back, buffalo
Pau Gasol was know for playing on what team in his prime
What is Mrs. Brown's first name
What is the name of the hottest flavor of sauce at Bdubs
What are the exact odds for the chiefs to win the superbowl in a percentage