How many cars have I totaled?
Chili Dogs
How many classes are in 5th edition?
What is Godzilla's Japanese name?
What is my sister's biggest phobia?
Lollypopguildophobia (Fear of little people/midgets)
Why can't Bumblebee talk?
Megatron crushed his voicebox
"Tails" is just a nickname, what is his real name?
Miles Prower
What playable race/lineage has 'Pack tactics' as a racial feature?
What movie features a rapidly evolving Godzilla, an allegory criticizing the Japanese Government's slow and incompetent response to natural disasters?
Shin Godzilla(2016)
I recently decided my favorite color. What color is that?
The first Transformer discovered by man was found frozen in stasis. Classified as N.B.E.-01, what Transformer is this?
Megatron a.k.a. "The Ice Man"
What game feature's Sonic being transported to Camelot, of Arthurian Legend?
Sonic and the Black Knight
How much damage does a base-level Fireball spell do? (on a failed save)
How is Godzilla defeated in the original 1954 movie? (what device?)
The Oxygen Destroyer
My parents share a birthday. What day is that?
August 20th
When the U.S. government discovered the Allspark, what structure was built to house/hide it?
The Hoover Dam
What is the name of the band that makes most of the games' music?
Crush 40
Who is the creator god of the Elves?
Corellon Larethian
Who is the first creature to fight Godzilla on film?
What is the largest Transformer toy I own?
Black Zarak/Scorponok
The first Transformer we see in the franchise is a Decepticon in it's Alt-Mode. What is his alt-mode?
*500 bonus points if you can name the Decepticon
A helicopter (specifically a MH-53 Pave Low)
Shadow has two 'brothers' - who are they?
(If you can name at least one you get full points)
Biolizard and Eclipse the Darkling
What is the plot-important item the party is seeking in Nate's first campaign?
The Estra Stone
What movie poster did I buy last time I was in Fayetteville?
Godzilla: Final Wars