This is a student who has recently changed his name
Who is Aden(Calvin)
This city in Canada has been affected by smoke and people everywhere have to wear N95 and is not in Ontario.
What is Calgary
This is the rarest block in a regular Minecraft world
What is a dragon egg
Made my Mr. Scarlato, this is the most memorable meme in this classroom
What is, Lets all drive safely
This is a student who is known to ____
Who is James
This country has the most amount of rivers
What is Bangladesh
This ore has been famously been thought as diamonds
What is lapis luizzi
This song made by Rick Astley is
What is never gonna give you up
A marvelous student who somehow did something ironic in the Marry Poppins show
Who is Brendan
This is the newest country in the world
What is South Sudan
This is the best enchantment supposedly
What is unbreaking
This is an uncommon meme made by a Scratcher named Jevons. Especially when Kyle emulated the voice which was good and funny.
What is the baby cry
Only two of my classmates that I know Xander and James don't have this item that everyone has as far as I know
What is a smart phone
If you are unlucky you can fall under this ditch with high chances of dying.
What is Russia
This is the second rarest mob in Minecraft
What is the baby zombie jockey
French genius in the classroom
What is James and Helena
Who is Jayden
This country has been suspected of starting WW1
What is Serbia
This is the second strongest mob in damage in Minecraft in the overworld
What is a charged creeper