M & M
Get Green
You've spilled something on the floor . What must you do ?
What is clean it up ,Mop it up.
Which is the only country to have played in each and every World Cup?
What is Brazil
What year did the tv show 'Price is Right' first debut? a) 1976 b) 1972 c) 2001
What is 1972. The shows host was Bob Barker up until 2007 Drew Carey took over.
True or False : Brushing without running water is environmentally friendly.
What is True. You'll conserve up to five gallons per day if you stop.
What are some of Canada's national animals?
What is a Beaver, Canadian Goose
You are are the library looking for a book but you haven't had any luck. What do you do?
What is Speak with a librarian. Ask a Librarian.
Which country was the first Olympic games held?
What is Greece. Athens Greece was the first country to hold the Olympics in 1896.
Bobby,Carol,Peter,Marica and Jan are characters from which 70's television show?
What is The Brady Bunch.
Which of the following goes into the GREEN bin a)coffee filters,fruits and vegetables b) plastic bottles and food containers c) all of the above
What is a coffee filters,fruits and vegetables can go into the green bin.
What does the word "Islam" mean ? a)Sacrifice b)Submission c)Sacred
What is Submission. Translated as "submission to God" (Quran, chapter 3, verse 19) . And the Quran is like there holy book which for those off you who go to bible study have the Bible.
You noticed you have gotten lost along the way . Which of the following is not a safe thing to do: a) Get into a car with a stranger who offers to take you home b)Remember a family or friends number to call c) Ask a woman with children for help
What is a Get into a car with a stranger.
Triple H HHH is which of the following : a) an MMA fighter b) a boxer c) a wrestler.
Triple H is a wrestler. He started in Triple H stands for: Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Which artist sings the song 'Hound Dog'?
Who is Elvis Presley. Elvis performed Hound Dog on the Ed Sullivan Show October 28th 1956.
When you go to the grocery store it is not a good idea tot ask for a paper bag . Ask for a plastic bag instead. True or False?
What is False . Paper bags are the better option because they break down quicker than a plastic bag. It an take 450 years!
Celebrate what you have in common! You're born with 300 bones, but when you become an adult, you only have a)150 b)200 c)206.
What is 206.
DAILY DOUBLE : In an emergency evacuation from a building.Is it a good idea to use the stairs or an elevator?
What is the stairs.
Who invented the game of basketball?
Who is James Naismith. The Canadian Physical Education Trainer , invented the sport in 1891.
Name 4 Canadian artists
Any 4 artists from Canada: Celine Dion,Shania Twain,Justin Beiber, Ko-s ,Drake,Kieza
What goes in the BLUE bin?
What is What is Plastic bottles and jugs (lids on) Milk/juice cartons and boxes (put plastic tops and straws in garbage) Glass bottles and jars (lids on) Aluminum cans Plastic tubs and lids (e.g. margarine, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream containers)
Religion: What is a Kippah? a) a spinning top b) a scarf c) a cap
What is a cap. The Kippah is also called a yarmulke. It is worn at all times by Jewish men.
What do you do if someone one continues to make mean comments about you? a) hit them and tell them to stop b) ignore them and tell someone you can trust
What is b) ignore them and tell someone you can count on.
What is one sport you would like to try?
Frenchy,Sonny and Sandy are from which musical ?
What is Grease. Grease was released June 1st 1978
What is one way to be GREEN ?
What is Diwali?
What is a festival of lights celebrated in the fall for people of the Hindu faith.