My favorite Indie series
Helluva boss
My most listened to band LIFETIME
My first ELEMENTARY SCHOOL friends name
What my mom calls the room that had the l;ose pebble floor and knives on the walls
Cold room
Free points for first buzzer
You win
My favorite tv show
Brooklyn 99
My most listened to artist 4 WEEKS
my elementary school bully
Finish the quote. " I just____________"
Shat my pants
Theres 3 of this in this room
the movie I skiped the hype on and watched after ebveryone moved on
My most listened to song LIFETIME
Theory of everything 5
The friend I made in 1rst grade whos still mt friend today
My FAVORITE analog face
The other friend group in this room
Alice, 49, Giovani, gbttsg
The sho I watched as a baby
My most listened to song 4 WEEKS
Theory of everthing 5
The guy I HATED in elementary school because he always cheated
Bonus round
Extra points
Without looking, what does my shirt have on it
Computer chip with the letter U
The tv show im currently watching
House MD
My most listended to album
Caps on, hats off
My first EVER friends name
I spy with my little eye, something that is red.
Free points bfor person in last
Say thank you