The Biblical Account
Christmas Songs
Christmas at Jeruel
Christmas Traditions
On Christmas Day

It's in this passage of the Bible that the most common version of the Christmas account is given.

What is Luke 2?


The hymn "Sing We Now of
Christmas" has French origins,
as does this "glorious" anthem.

What is "Angels We Have Heard on High?"


What is the most nativity scenes set up in our church at one time?

What is 2?


This common Christmas meat has been eaten around December 25 since the 1500s, and became quite "fashionable" in England during the mid-1800s.

What is Turkey?


Dionysius Exiguus created the Anno Domini (AD) system and applied it to both the Gregorian and Julian calendar systems. He calculated that Jesus was born in this year, but research today shows that he was probably born from five to ten years before that.

What is AD 1?


When Joseph was warned in a dream of Herod's coming attempt on the life of Jesus, he took Mary and the Baby and fled to this country.

What is Egypt?


This German carol—traditionally—was first played on the guitar because the composer's church organ was broken. The tune is STILLE NACHT.

What is "Silent Night?"


For many years, the Jeruel choir
has performed Christmas cantatas composed primarily by this man.

Who is Ron Hamilton?


A go-to Christmas family movie is this Frank Capra 1946 classic starring
Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed.

What is "It's a Wonderful Life?"


George Washington crossed this river under cover of darkness to surprise and defeat British mercenaries at the Battle of Trenton on December 25, 1776.

What is the Delaware river?


During the time of Paul, Nero was emperor, and at the time of the crucifixion, Tiberius was reigning. But at the birth of Jesus, this man was Caesar.

Who is Augustus?


Our current Song of the Month.

What is "O Hearken Ye?"


Our Auditorium Christmas tree is usually topped with this item.

What is an Angel?


The tradition of Christmas trees is said to have originated in eastern Europe, as a reminder of God's "evergreen" Love. This tree, traditionally, was the one most commonly used.

What is a Fir?


This man was born on December 25, 1642. He went on to revolutionize physics, invent calculus, and contributed substantially to the science of optics. He was also a Christian.

Who is Sir Isaac Newton?


When Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple after He was born,
what offering did they give?

What is two Turtle-doves?


This hymn, often used at Christmastime, is actually about the second coming of Christ, and is
based on Psalm 98.

What is "Joy to the World?"


For many years, Pastor Bob and Ken Sanders enjoyed singing this song together with a karaoke machine.

What is "Silver Bells" or "Do You Hear What I Hear?"


Many songs have become indelibly associated with Christmas, even though they really have nothing to do with the holiday. Besides winter favorites like "Jingle Bells" and Sleigh Ride," songs like "My Favorite Things" and this instrumental from a Christmas-themed cartoon, have quickly wormed their way into the secular Christmas repertoire.

What is "Linus and Lucy?"


Astronaut Frank Borman read
Genesis 1 on national television on December 25, 1968 while orbiting
the Earth on this Apollo mission.

What is Apollo 8?


When the angels announced Christ's birth to the shepherds,
this was the sign they gave:
"Ye shall find the babe..."

What is "...wrapped in swaddling clothes?"


This song is set to a medieval English tune called GREENSLEEVES, which likely dates back to the late 1500s and has been associated with various Christmas texts as early as the 1680s.

What is "What Child is This?"


This past event—often done two times in December—was a time of music, skits, and readings. 

What is the Christmas Classic?


Often celebrated in December, this Jewish holiday commemorates a miracle during the cleansing of the temple in the Maccabean rebellion.

What is Hanukah?


Christopher Columbus' flagship—named this—ran aground on Hispaniola on Christmas Day, 1492. The timbers were used to build a colony.

What is the Santa Maria?
