She hates this thermal state of being more than any other.
What is COLD?
She went to this college in this City before getting married.
What is Cedar City?
The Baseball Hall of Fame is located in this town (in Dan's Mission!!!)
What is Cooperstown, NY?
She was Darrow's sister who died as an infant 23 hours after birth.
Who is Mary Eleanor Hall?
Darrows Birthdate
What is October 5th, 1944?
Of all the church callings over the years, Darrow had this one the longest.
What is Ward Music Director?
She was Darrow's favorite childhood friend, and they even shared the same birthday!
Who is Carolyn Wadsworth?
The worlds largest pyramid isn't located in Egypt, it is located in this country.
What is Mexico? The Great Pyramid of Cholula, located in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, is the largest pyramid in the world and—with a base four times the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza—also happens to be the largest monument ever constructed anywhere. Part of the reason it’s not better known may be that it happens to be buried under a mountain.
As the 2nd born child to Wazel and Keith, she was this many months younger than KL.
What is 14 months?
Dallan and Darrow's wedding date.
An attempt to hide the Chocolate Chips from sugar-starved kids, she put them in the freezer and labeled the bag this.
What is Squash (which David hated!)?
A surprisingly heavy baby, Darrow weighted this much at birth.
What is 9 lbs?
These two teams were in the 2018-19 NBA finals.
What are Golden State Warriors, and the Toronto Raptors?
As a girl, Grandpa Keith Hall used to take Darriw hunting in the mountains using this form of travel.
What is on horseback?
Assuming the end of the world was tomorrow and nobody was watching, she MIGHT indulge one tiny bite of this fruit flavored cake or pie?
What is lemon?
Darrow most loves this social activity.
What is Dancing/Music?
She was born in this Utah City.
What is Murray, Utah?
Recently biologists discovered a new species of ant on in New York City between 63rd and 76th streets. They named it this appropriate name.
What is the ManhattAnt?
As a girl, she tells of this type of shaggy animal who befriended her when she was sad.
What is a neighborhood dog?
On Dallan and Darrow's first date (he gave her a ride back to college from home), he took them to go get this treat. To think, it could have almost ended this whole thing before it got started!
What is a "Big" orange drink?
To make her bread extra healthy, she would add this liquid ingredient.
What is Bean Juice? She would save it from the bottled beans.
She participated in these two extra curricular activities in High School
What are Cheerleading and Debate?
Cherophobia is the word for the irrational fear of experiencing this emotion.
What is being happy?
Wazel Hall's name was created by her parents after hearing this name misspoken by a young girl.
What is "Rachel"?
This type of "poor" food made her laugh so hard she once cried while saying the prayer with her kids.