The Beginning
The Ministry
The Miracles
The Passion
The Resurrection

This Angel visited our Lady, Mary, to ask her if she would be the mother of our Lord.

Who is the Angel Gabriel?


True or False: Jesus came to abolish the old law (Old Testament)?

False: Jesus came to fulfill the old Law. 

Matthew 5:17-18: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and he prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them". 


The first Miracle Jesus is recorded as performing. 

Turning water into wine? the wedding feast at Cana. 

John 2:11-12: "This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed in him".


The disciple who betrayed Jesus.

Who is Judas Iscariot? 


True of False, the disciple, Peter, was the first to discover the empty tomb of Jesus?

False: Mary Magdalene was recorded as finding the empty tomb.

John 20:1


Moses lead his people out of this land.  Threats from King Herod sent the Holy Family back to this land, seeking safety. 

What is Egypt?


Multiplying five loaves of bread and two fish, how many people did Jesus feed at one time, according to the Gospel of John?

What is 5000 people?


According to the Gospel of John, Jesus healed a sick man on this day of Jewish rest, provoking the anger of the Pharisees (Strict Jewish teachers)

What is the Sabbath?

John 9-12


As predicted by Jesus, this disciple denied that he knew Jesus three times prior to the trial of Jesus.  

Who is Peter?

Luke 22:57-63


In exchange for Jesus, Pontius Pilate allowed this guilty man to go free.

Who was Barabbas?

Luke 23:18-22


Sometimes called "The Last Prophet", this man pointed the way to Jesus and his ministry and baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.

Who is "John the Baptist"?

Mark 1:9-12.


Jesus was recorded by the Gospel writers as healing many by expelling demons, a process known as-

What is an Exorcism? 


Prefiguring Jesus's own death and resurrection, who did Jesus raise from the dead?

Who is Lazarus?

John 11:38-45


Jesus was hung on the cross next to two.....

What are robbers (thieves)?

Mark 15:27-29


After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and commanded them to do this

What is preach the Gospel to the whole world?

Mark 16:15-17


Cousin of Mary, the mother of John the Baptist.

Who is Elizabeth? 

Luke 1:57-61


According to Mark's Gospel, Jesus said these are the greatest commandements: to Love the Lord your God with all of your might and to.......

What is to Love your neighbor as you love yourself?

Mark 12:29-32


According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus slept while his disciples were terrified by this. 

What is a storm?

Matthew 8:25-27


According to Scripture, who helped Jesus carry his cross to Golgotha?  

Who is Simon of Cyrene?

Mark 15:21-22


According to Scripture and Tradition, after Jesus was resurrected made a decent into this to preach to the souls in captivity

What is Hell?


According to Luke's Gospel, how old was Jesus when he strayed from his parents to teach in the Temple during passover? 

What is 12 years old?

Luke 2:46-49


Jesus cleansed the Temple by driving out the....

What are the money changers?

Luke 19:45-47


This disciple attempted to imitate Jesus when Jesus walked on water

Who is Peter?

Matthew 14:27-32


How long did Jesus remain with his disciples prior to his Ascension into Heaven?

What are 40 days?


Following his Resurrection, Jesus breathed on his disciples, giving them a certain authority we call the Sacrament of _________________

What is the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation? 

John 20:21-24
