How long had the man been paralyzed?
38 years
A follower of Jesus.
Where did Jesus heal the paralyzed man?
The Pool at Bethesda
Finish the sentence. "Therefore we were___"
The age Jesus was when he died.
The people who were not happy about the healing at the Pool of Bethesda.
What are the Pararises (Jewish religious leaders)?
The value of you.
What is immeasurable worth?
Where was the pool of Bethesda located?
Finish the sentence. "With Him by____"
The location of Jesus' birth.
Jesus told the paralyzed man this.
What is to take up your mat and walk?
To serve others and be the hands and feet of Christ.
What is the church?
The name of the gate directly by the Pool of Bethesda.
What is the Sheep Gate?
Finish the sentence. "Into death, in order that just as _____"
The location Jesus was raised.
Jesus first asked the paralyzed man this question.
What is do you want to be healed?
The value and importance of someone of something.
What is worth?
Properties of the Pool at Bethesda. Urban legend.
What is healing powers?
Finish the sentence. "was ____ from the dead by the glory of the Father"
The location Jesus performed his first miracle.
Followers of Jesus.
What are disciples?
Value that has no end and no beginning.
The politicial landscape at the time when Jesus did his ministry.
What is roman empire and Jewish religion?
Finish the sentence. So we too may____ in a new way of life"
The location Jesus died.