John 3:16
“For God so _____ the world, that He gave His only ____ , that whoever ________ in Him should ____ ______ but have ________ ____.”
loved; Son; believes; not perish; eternal life
Define: Mercy
Not getting the punishment you deserve.
What did Bartimaeus want Jesus to do for him?
To heal his blindness
Nicodemus knew only ____ could do the miracles Jesus was doing.
John 3:36
“Whoever _______ in the Son has eternal life; whoever does ____ _____ the Son shall not see life, but the _____ of God ________ on him.”
believes; not obey; wrath; remains
Define: Gospel
Good News... The Good News of Jesus ; One of the 1st 4 books of the NT telling about Jesus' life.
What was Jesus' first miracle that showed He was God?
Changing water to wine at a wedding feast.
The Jews refused to walk through ____________
John 3:17
For God did not send ____ _____ into the world to _______ the world, but in order that the world might be _______ through Him.
His Son; condemn; saved
Define: Omnipotent
All Powerful!
What did the nobleman ask Jesus to do?
Come and heal his son.
When Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus, the people tried to _______ him.
Quiet; silence
1 John 1:9 says "We are to Confess our sins". What does confess mean?
Admit wrong doing with intent to change with Jesus' help.
Define: Praise
Praise is Declaring God's Greatness!
When Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman by the well. Who did He say He was?
The Messiah; the promised Savior.
At the wedding banquet, _______ told Jesus they ran out of wine.
Mary (His mom)
1 John 1:9
“If we confess our sins, ...
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Define: Wrath
God's fierce anger towards sin; God's severe punishment for sin.
What did Jesus tell Nicodemus must happen before he could go to heaven?
Jesus told Nicodemus: "You must be born again"
Jesus told the nobleman: "Your son will ______ "