Healings 1
Healings 2
Healings 3
Raised from the Dead

In the first story of this quarter, who did Jesus heal?

A swollen man


Where did Jesus heal the demon-possessed man?

the tombs


How did the demon affect the man's demon-possessed son?

It caused him to throw himself into the water or the fire.


Who were Lazarus’s sisters?

Mary and Martha


What did Jesus use to help people understand important concepts?



Where and when did this healing take place?

At the pharisee's house on the Sabbath


What was the name of the demons and what was their request?

Legion. They requested to be sent into the pigs.


Why could Jesus' disciples not cast out the demon?

They lacked faith.


How long was Lazarus in the tomb when Jesus arrived?Why did Jesus wait to go to Lazarus?

4 days; he wanted to show the power of the son of God.


Describe the parable of the mustard seed.

Having faith as small as a mustard seed, can still grow and blossom into great blessings and "move mountains."


What question did Jesus ask the pharisees? What was their response?

"Is is lawful to heal on the Sabbath?" / They remained silent.

What happened to the pigs and what was the response of the townspeople?

The pigs ran into the sea and drowned. The townspeople asked Jesus to leave.


When Jesus healed the blind man, what did the blind man see at first?

People that looked like walking trees.


How did Jesus encounter the widow and her son?

In a funeral procession. 


Describe the parable of the yeast.

Just as yeast transforms flour into bread, God's love and truth can transform a person.


What did the man with leprosy say to Jesus? What was Jesus response? What did he tell the man with leprosy to do?

"Are you willing to heal me?"/"Yes, I am willing." Jesus then healed him by placing his hands on him. He told the man with leprosy to make the appropriate sacrifice at the temple and see the priest.


How did the healed man react and what was Jesus' response to him?

He asked if he go go with Jesus and follow him. Jesus told him to go back to his home and share what had happened to him.


How did Jesus heal the blindman?

He used saliva and placed his hands on the blind man's eyes twice.

How did Jesus bring the son back to life? How did the people react?

Jesus touched the coffin and spoke to the boy. The people praised God and said a great prophet had come.


Describe the parable of the fig tree.

A man wanted to cut down an unfruitful fig tree, but the gardener asked for another year to try to get the tree to bear fruit. Likewise, God wants to help us to bear fruit if we are will, so that we will not be cut down.


Why did Jesus sometimes heal on the Sabbath in front of the pharisees?

He wanted to teach that it is lawful to heal on the sabbath, and correct misconceptions about the Sabbath.


Describe the story of Jesus' healing the gentile woman's daughter. What happened? What lesson did Jesus want to teach?

The gentile woman asked for her demon-possessed daughter to be healed. Jesus ignored her at first and then said that he came to save the house of Israel. She replied that even the dogs eat the crumbs from their master. Jesus said that she had great faith and healed her daughter. He wanted to teach that he came for all people: Jews and Gentiles.


What is discrimination? What was Jesus’ view of discrimination?

Discrimination is unfair treatment based on race, gender, background, etc. Jesus loves everyone equally and came to save all.


Jesus _______ sin but _______ the sinner.

Jesus hates sin but loves the sinner.


Describe three ways we should pray.

Answers will vary.
