The Bible we are learning about is...
What is: John!
This question was asked because of Jesus preparing a place for the disciples to go to.
(You can ask for a hint)
How can we know the way?
This person is mentioned 15 times in John 14: 1-14
Who is: God?
If you want 100 points here. Guess this.
Jesus died to...
What is: hanging on a cross?
if you want 100 points here guess this.
There are a certain number of coins in Mark's pocket.
There are 0.
This story comes before...
What is Jesus's departure to heaven?
This question was asked by Jesus after partially explaining who/what he was because the disciples still didn't get it.
"How can you you say, 'Show us the Father'?"
This group of people follow a certain person.
They are present in this story.
Their group name reminds Mark of the Eiffel Tower.
Who are: The disciples?
If you answer this you lose 200 points
lose 200 points
If you answer this you lose 200 points
Lose 200 points
This disciple asked the first question in this story.
Who is: Thomas?
Jesus asks the disciples what they believe.
"Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?"
This person is preparing a place for the group.
If you answer this you lose 300 points
lose 300 points
If you answer this you lose 300 points
lose 300 points
Jesus mentions he will do anything you ask him. How does he say to ask it?
What is: He says to ask it in his name.
This question was asked by Jesus in disbelief after being told to show something.
“Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me?"
This person asks Jesus for the way.
Who is: Thomas?
If you answer this you lose 400 points
lose 400 points
If you answer this you lose 400 points
lose 400 points
There are 7 topics for presentations in this assignment. This question is...
Is this: the 6th question?
This question, not in the story was asked in the class discussion slide about a previous story we talked about in relation to Jesus teaching through his work.
What do you think Jesus was trying to teach when he revived Lazarus?
This person asks Jesus to show them the Father.
Who is: Philip?
If you answer this you lose 500 points
lose 500 points
If you answer this you lose 500 points
lose 500 points