The bread we eat on Shabbat
What is Challah?
During this holiday we eat outside in tents
What is Sukkot?
Number of points on the Star of David
what is 6?
Jews do not eat this food on Passover.
Chamets (Bread)
The five Books of Moses that tell the Jewish stories?
What is the Torah?
The potato pancake we eat on Chanukah
What is Latkah?
During this holiday we blow the shofar and eat apples and honey
What is Rosh Hashanah
The country the Jews fled from in the Passover story.
What is Mitsrayim or Egypt?
A scroll with a prayer inside that hangs on the doorpost.
What is a Mezuzah
The garment Jewish adults wear while praying.
What is a Talit?
The shape of a Hamantaschen (or Haman's Hat)
What is a triangle?
This holiday brings a joyful parade into the synagogue followed by dancing and praising the Torah
What is Simchat Torah
What year was Israel established?
Jewish adults do not do this on Yom Kippur.
what is not Eat/eating.
What are the total number of mitzvah in the Torah?
What falafel is made of (and hummus)
What are chickpeas?
What holiday celebrates leaving Egypt?
What is Passover?
The name of the Jewish/Israeli national anthem
What is Hatikvah (the hope)?
During Sukkot, Jews shake the lulav/etrog in this many directions
What is 6?
What is the language that is a combination of Hebrew and German slang.
This food is known as the Jewish Penicillin.
What is Matzah Ball or Chicken Soup?
This holiday does not mention G-d in its story.
What is Purim?
Israel's birthday is called this.
What is Yom Ha'atzmeut?
The 7th day of the Jewish week that is also a holiday.
What is Shabbat?
Main difference between a Menorah and a Chanukiah.
Menorah has 7 branches
Chanukiah has 9 Branches
Fish is in this kosher category- dairy, meat, or SOMETHING ELSE
What is PAREV
This holiday celebrates when Jews received the Torah.
What is Shavuot?
The four matriarchs and three patriarchs of Judaism.
Who are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rachel, Leah, Rebecca
Part of the Holy Temple that is still standing in Israel?
What is the Kotel/Western wall?
This mammal, native to the continent of Africa, is unexpectedly Kosher.
What is a Giraffe?