Tay-Sachs destroys ________.
The nervous system
Symptoms begin to appear during _____ and as a ______.
during pregnancy and as a newborn
Crohn's Disease targets the ______.
digestive tract
Genetic testing looks for ______.
changes in DNA
_____ is the Jewish value of kindness.
Symptoms appear around ages ______.
4 to 6 months old
Men are usually _____.
Changing your diet can help _____.
reduce symptoms of Crohn's
______ is a test to look for certain rare diseases often in people of Central and Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage.
Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Panel or AJGP
____ means is the Jewish value for visiting and caring for the sick.
Bikur Cholim
Children usually die by age ___.
Approximately ___ out of every ___ people with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry are a carrier.
1 out of every 100
Treatments can decrease inflammation in your intestines, relieve symptoms, and prevent complications, but there is _____ for Crohn's.
no cure
_______ look for genetic changes in only one gene.
Single Gene tests
_____ is the Jewish value for the preservation of life.
Pikuach Nefesh
___ in every 25 people with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry are affected.
Bloom Syndrome is caused by a change in a gene located on chromosome ___.
Crohn's Disease is ___ to ___ times more prevalent among people of Ashkenazic ancestry.
2 to 4
____ is the largest genetic test and looks at all of a person's DNA.
Whole genome sequencing