This holiday is called the festival of lights
These are cookies we eat during Purim
This is one way to protect animals
For example, feeding your animals before you feed yourself
The first book of the Torah
A six pointed star
A Jewish Star or a Star of David
We blow this horn on Rosh Hashanah
A Shofar
This is a symbol on the Passover seder plate
Karpas - a green vegetable
Hazeret - a bitter herb
Zeroa - a shank bone
Beitzah - an egg
This is one way to repair the world (Tikkun Olam)
For example, pick up litter
The seventh day which G-d rested when creating the world
The time of day when every Jewish holiday begins
After sunset
This holiday is the new year of the trees
Tu B'shevat
The hero of the story of Purim
Queen Esther
This is a person known to be welcoming to others in the Torah
Abraham and Sarah's names before they were changed by G-d
Avram and Sarai
We eat this bread every Shabbat
This holiday honors the Torah and marks the end of the Torah
Simchat Torah
This is the reason we eat Matzah on Passover
The Israelites did not have enough time to let their bread bake
This is one reason why being sorry is important
For example, growing from our mistakes
The name of Abraham and Sarah's son
This is where the Torah is kept in the sanctuary
The Ark
During this holiday, we build "booths" or huts that we live in throughout the holiday
The holiday when we received the Torah
This is one reason why learning is important
For example, to learn about our traditions
This is the name of Jacob's son who was eventually sold into slavery in Egypt
This is the name of the pointer we use to help use read the Torah
A Yad