What holiday is known as the Jewish New Year's?
Rosh Hashanah
This horn is blown on Rosh Hashanah
Name a holiday where you might eat Matzah Ball Soup.
Passover, Chanukka, Rosh Hashanah, to break your Yom Kippur fast -- almost any holiday!
What is a mensch?
A person who acts with kindness towards the world and makes good choices that helps others
On Sukkot, you build a hut outside called what?
A Sukkah
On what holiday do we ask The Four Questions?
On Purim, whenever you hear Haman's name you shake a noise maker called what?
A hamantaschen is what shape?
If a mensch sees a candy wrapper on the ground in their classroom, what might they do?
Pick it up!
On Rosh Hashanah, you typically eat what foods for a sweet new year.
On what holiday do Jews fast?
Yom Kippur
On Chanukkah, what do you call the object that holds the candles that you light?
Chanukiah (or Menorah)
What are latkes made out of?
If a classmate is struggling with an assignment, what might a mensch do?
Help them understand how to complete it.
Every Friday Jews celebrate what holiday?
How many days does Chanukka last?
The shofar is traditionally made from the horn of what animal?
On what holiday do Jews eat matzah?
Name two things you can do this week to be a mensch?
I'm excited to hear your answers!
When does Shabbat start?
What holiday is known as the Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur
Name the object that Jews put on the doorposts of their house, such as the doorpost outside the front door and your bedrooms.
Name the jelly filled donut that is eaten on Chanukka?
Last week we learned the phrase B'tzelem Elohim. What does this phrase mean? (Hint: Elohim means G-d)
In G-d's Image
Tu B'Shevat is a holiday that celebrates what?
The earth, trees, and how important it is to take care of the world around us.