What Jewish women do 18 minutes before sunset every Friday?
Light Shabbat candles
What is the prayer that we say first thing when we open our eyes in the morning?
Modeh Ani
What is Tzedakkah?
It is the Hebrew word for giving charity
What do we say at the end of Shabbat?
What is the thing we hang on our doorpost called and what is written inside of it?
Mezuzah, the Shema
What is the prayer that we say twice a day, once in the morning and once at night?
There is a mitzvah mentioned in the Shema prayer that men do every day. What is it?
Wearing Tefillin
What is the difference between a custom and a mitzvah?
A mitzvah is written in the Torah.
What is the Jewish prayer book called?
Only one G-d, Honor your parents, Keep Shabbat, Don't use G-d's name in vain, Don't Steal
What is the prescribed amount of charity a Jew must give?
10% of their income.
How many times a day to Jewish people prayer? And what are the Hebrew names for those prayers?
Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv