Famous Jews (then)
Historical Events
Famous Jews (now)
He led the Jews out of Egypt and in the desert for 40 years.
Who is Moses?
This holiday is eight days long and celebrates the miracle of the Jews triumphing over the Syrian/Greek army as well as the miracle of the oil that lasted eight days.
What is Chanukah?
This occurred when the Egyptions were chasing us after we left Egypt. Moses used his staff to make this happen, but it didn't happen until someone was brave enough to show trust in G-d.
What is the splitting of the Red Sea?
This is the Hebrew word for giving charity.
What is "tzedaka"?
He writes the Chanukah songs about famous Jews and is a famous actor/comedian himself who is playing in the upcoming movie, Grown Ups
Who is Adam Sandler?
This King of Israel was famous for his harp playing and his slaying of Goliath, a giant Philistine.
Who was King David?
This holiday we celebrate our freedom from slavery in Egypt
What is Passover?
This occurred on a mountain in the desert. There was a lot of thunder and lightening and shofar blowing and the mountain shook with G-d's voice.
What is the giving of the Torah?
This is what we do each week in temple on the Sabbath. It helps us learn about our history and the mitzvot.
What is reading the weekly portion of the Torah?
He played in the Night at the Museum movies and Meet the Parents. He also showed up to the Oscars dressed like a Naavi from Avatar.
Who is Ben Stiller?
He was asked to slay his son Isaac as a test by God.
Who is Abraham?
This holiday means "lots" in English.
What is Purim?
These two cities were destroyed by God for their wickedness. Note: If you get one, you still get the points.
What is Sodom and Gomorah?
This is one of the ten commandments. It involves two other people besides yourself.
What is honoring your father and mother?
This is a famous Orthodox Jewish reggae and rap artist.
Who is Mattisyahu?
This prophet symbolically visits us each Passover at our seders and was famous for going up to Heaven alive in a chariot of fire.
Who is Elijah?
This holiday is our day of judgement when we hear the shofar blown and eat apples and honey for a sweet year.
What is Rosh Hashana?
This man stole his birthright from his brother, Esau, with the help of his mother, Sarah?
Who is Rebekah?
What does "tzedakah tzedakah tidorf" mean?
What is justice, justice, shall you pursue.
This actress was born in Israel. She played a competitive ballet dancer in one of her movies.
Who is Natalie Portman (Natalie Hershlag)?
This man took over for Moses as leader of the Jews when they entered Israel. He made the walls of Jericho fall and helped the Israelites conquer the land of Canaan.
Who is Joshua?
This holiday is also known as the festival of the ingathering. We build huts in our yards to celebrate G-d's protection of the Jews in the desert. We also shake the four species: lulav, etrog, hadasim, and aravot together on this holiday.
What is Sukkot?
This famous Judge of Israel lost all his incredible strength because of this.
What is the cutting of Samson's hair?
We do this mitzvah/tradition on the night of Passover?
What is have a seder/read the Haggadah/tell the story of our redemption from Egypt?
This was one of the most famous scientists in modern history. He came up with the theory of relativity and needed a good haircut.
Who is Albert Einstein?