In my linage is Moses & Aaron. Which Tribe am I?
Tribe of Levi
My descendants took Joseph to Egypt to be enslaved. Later my descendant Mohammad created Islam. Who am I?
I am a silent letter. I represent the number 1. Unity is my meaning. Which letter am I?
What 3 holidays have a seder plate?
1. Tu B'shvat
2. Peasch/ Passover
3. Rosh Hashanah
What is the blessing over the wine?
Baruch atah HaShem melek haolam borieh pri hagfan.
King David & King Solomon are my descendants. Which tribe am I?
Tribe of Judah
David defeated me with a slingshot before he was king. Who am I?
Goliath the Philistine
I am in the divine name of HaShem. My numerical value is 10. I represent the essence of HaShem and completion. What letter am I?
What does the egg on the Passover seder plate represent?
What is the the blessing over anything that is not a plant, or bread?
Baruch atah HaShem melek haolam shehakol nihiyah bed'varo.
My sons are Ephraim & Menasha & my father gave them his blessing before he died. Which tribe am I?
Tribe of Joseph
After the Israelites cross the reed sea, our tribe attack them from behind. Who are we?
The Amalakites
My meaning is house. I represent the number 2. What letter am I?
What type of bread is on the Passover seder plate?
Matzah/ unleavened bread
What is the blessing over fruits?
Baruch atah HaShem melek haolam borei pri haetz.
Which tribe has a wolf as its symbol?
Tribe of Benjamin
I am a son of Isaac. My descendants are called the Edomites. We eventually became the Romans. Who am I?
I represent a door and the number 4. What letter am I?
The head of a fish is on which type of seder plate?
hint: which holiday?
Rosh Hashanah
What is the blessing that separates shabbat from the rest of the week?
Bonus points: What is the name of this ceremony?
Barukh ata Adonai, ha-mavdil bein kodesh l'chol. Blessed are You, Eternal our God, Ruler of the universe, Who distinguishes between the sacred and the profane, between light and darkness, between Israel and other people of the world, between the seventh day and the six days of the week.
Name all 12 Tribes of Israel
1. Rueben, 2. Simeon, 3. Levi, 4. Judah, 5. Dan,
6. Naphtali, 7. Gad, 8. Asher, 9. Issachar,
10. Zebulun, 11. Joseph, 12. Benjamin
The two tribes of people that the Israelites were forbidden to have offspring with? This because of the sin that Lot daughter did after the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah.
The Ammonites & The Moabites
I am also in the divine name of HaShem twice. I represent the divine feminine flow and divine grace. which letter am I?
On the Tu b'shvat seder plate there are the 7 species. What are the 7 species?
What is the blessing over the bread on shabbat? Extra points for what you dip it in after saying the blessing and before the challah is given to everyone.
Baruch atah HaShem melek haolam hamotzei lechem haeretz