Name That Jew
Jewish Holidays
Jewish Food
Judaism 101
Jewish Stereotypes

This American comedic actor is the child famous comedy duo Stiller and Meara, and created numerous films such as The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Zoolander, Dodgeball and Tropic Thunder. 

Who is Ben Stiller?


Though highly popular in American culture, this 8-day Jewish Holiday that celebrates the triumph of the Jews against their Greek-Syrian oppressors is actually a lower-level holiday in the Jewish faith.

What is Hanukkah?

BONUS: what do the 8-days represent in this holiday?


The word describing foods that adhere to Jewish law regarding contents and preparation

What is Kosher?


What is the name for the female becoming of a woman ceremony that happens when a girl turns 13?

What is Bat Mitzvah 

Bonus - What is the name for the boy version?


This part of Jewish boys bodies seems to always be upset. 

What is the Stomach.


This famous New Yorker has written and directed over 50 movies. Ashkenazi-American idol, and much like politics and religion, should be avoided in conversation at all cost

Who is Woody Allen?


This vernal (spring) holiday is a festival of freedom that marks the Hebrew exodus from Egypt. It celebrates the "Angel of Death" passing over the homes protected by the blood of the lamb. The meal, shared with family, is called a Seder

What is Passover?

BONUS: can you name one of the five foods that make up a Seder meal?


Name five items you can get at a traditional Jewish deli

What is...?


The Jewish people's involvement with the Passion of Christ and the Easter story.

What is "they killed him?" 

NOTE: There is no Jewish cultural connection to the Easter story. They do not celebrate it and they do not attach themselves to the killing of Christ as a people. It is an antisemitic trope to connect them to the Easter story. 


J.K. Rowling was criticized for making the goblins at Gringott's have stereotypical Jewish characteristics (mean ones). Name three of these stereotypes that she perpetuated. 

What is - Cheap, grubby, money-obsessed, short, hook-nosed, bent over, protective of their own goods, dubious of outsiders 


American filmmaker and humorist, is best known for his satirical portrayals of Adolf Hitler, American Jews, race and its relationship with American culture. The living embodiment that nothing is too precious to be made fun of, and in fact it's the only way we move forward. His movies include The Producers, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, and History of the Work part 1

Who is Mel Brooks?


This weekly celebration takes places at sundown on Friday night to mark the seventh day or day of rest. It is celebrated with wine, songs, and a blessing over the food. 

What is Shabbat?

BONUS: Orthodox and Hasidic Jews take this time to abstain from what activities?



What is Jewish Wine?

The Old Testament part of the Bible that Jewish people read from in Temple. 

What is the Torah? 


What relationship within a Jewish family is stereotypically portrayed as too overbearing, protective and psychosexual? 

What is - Mother and Son


Along with Jerry Seinfeld, this American comedian created the NBC Show "Seinfeld" and even based the character George Costanza on himself. He later went on to create and star the HBO Show "Curb Your Enthusiasm"

Who is Larry David?


Celebrated in the autumn of each year, this Feast of Trumpets marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year. According to Jewish law this begins the ten days of judgement when all children of men pass before the creator. 

What is Rosh Hashanah?


The Jewish version of Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul made with pieces unleveled bread meal. Makes you happy you're home sick.

What is Matzo Ball Soup?


This is the rabbinic book of Jewish law that has been debated and revised for over 5,000 years. Before the age of Modernity, this book as the center of Jewish life and culture.

What is the Talmud?


When it comes to conspiracy theories involving Jewish people, what institutions are they said to have complete power over? 

What are - Banks, Hollywood, Government, Finances in general. 


Born in Israel, this American-Israeli actress has one Oscar and numerous nominations under her belt. She first came to international attention as the young protege to a hitman in the 1994's "Leon the Professional" She has acted in the MCU and Star Wars, she's been a ballerina, a first lady, a Boleyn girl, Guy Fawkes' muse. 

Who is Natalie Portman?


The Ten Days of Atonement and Introspection accumulate in the most solemn of the Jewish Holidays. Celebrated with prayer and fasting, Jews are forgiven by the mercy of God and can begin their new year. 

What is Yom Kippur?


Made of a variety of white fish, this type of fish dish can be served in a loaf, as an appetizer, in a can! Can be found in almost any grocery store or Jewish deli. 

What is Gefilte Fish?


This abbreviated word for the Jewish people is not technically a slur, but can be derogatory when used by non-jewish people inappropriately. Should not be used in mixed company. 

What is "Jew"?

NOTE: when in doubt say "Jewish" 


Perpetuated by people such as Woody Allen, Larry David, George Constanza and the girls from Broad City, what word would describe the hyper-aware and paranoid nature of Jewish Americans?

What is neurotic?
