How many brachos on the menorah on the 1st night, and what are they?
1. Lehadlik ner shel Chanukukah
2. Sheasa Nissim Laavoseinu
3. Shecheyanu
The end
Approximately how old is Emek?
65 years old
What does Rabbi Tropper say before a student can be marked late for ANY davening?
Door closing!
What does Maccabi mean?
It's an acronym for Mi Chamocha B'Keilim Hashem, Who among the G-ds is like you Hashem
Which MITZVAH candle is lit first each night?
The newest candle
He throught
Who has been at Emek the longest?
1. Rabbi Tropper
2. Rabbi Shifman
3. Rabbi Solomon
4. Mrs. Andron
3. Rabbi Solomon
What does this expression mean?
Sharp as a tack?
Very quick, and smart.
What is another name for Maein Shalosh?
Al Hamichya
What do Chanukah and Purim have in common?
They both have Al Hanissim in Shemoneh Esrei & Bentching
Which one of these does Rabbi Tropper actually say to his students?
1. I can teach you but you must learn
2. Learning is your job, teaching is my job
3. I can teach you but I can't learn you
3. I can teach you but I can't learn you
How many days did it take Hashem to create the world?
6, the 7th was Shabbos
What difference is there between Rosh Chodesh Teves which is during Chanukah and ALL other Rosh Chodesh?
Full Hallel is said on Rosh Chodesh Teves
Why is there a silver metal piece in the middle of each hallway of the Emek building?
The building is actually 2 buildings built separately that are connected at the silver piece and is closes the small space between the 2 buildings.
What is Rabbi Tropper's other name for Gatorade?
Reptile Assistance
Who was the coach of Varsity 3 years ago?
Coach Ben Yaegar
What doesn't happen every year on Shabbos Chanukah, and when it does happen why does it happen?
3 Torahs are taken out.
1. The weekly parsha
2. Chanukah reading
3. Rosh Chodesh reading
It is a proof
Before there was a course humanities at Emek what was taught.
English and History. Humanities combined the 2 subjects to 1.
Mathematically, what is the expression Rabbi Tropper says the most during davening?
Please stand up for Kaddish!
Why is a Jewish lap year an extra month and a secular leap year is only 1 extra day.
A Jewish year follows the moon, and needs to catch up almost 30 days.