What is laugh out loud?
How many states are in the United States?
What is 50?
What are three toppings for a challah?
What is cinnamon, sprincles, everything bagle seasoning, chocolate chips, etc?
Who are three important people in the Purim story?
Who is Ester, Mordecai, Achashverosh, Haman, etc.?
Name three catagories of music?
What is rap, country, pop, hip hop, classical, techno, etc.?
What does NP stand for?
What is no problem?
What are three bodies of water around Israel?
What is the Medetaraian, the dead sea, the Sea of Gallaliee, and the Red sea?
What are three things that go in Matzo ball soup?
What is carrots, chicken, Matzo ball, broth, celery, etc.?
When is tu bishvat?
What is ט"ו בשבט?
Who was the last Israeli to compete in Eurovision?
Who is Eden Golan?
What does בלגן mean in english?
WHat is hot mess?
How long does it take to drive from the top of Israel to the bottom?
What is around 6 hours?
How many Matzot do we put on the table?
What is three?
What are 10 Jewish holidays?
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
Shemini Atzeret
Simchat Torah
Tu Bishvat
Yom HaShoah
Yom Ha'atzmaut
Lag B'Omer
Yom Yerushalayim
Tzom Tammuz
Tisha B'Av
Tu B'Av
Which two artists performed at the super bowl half time?
Who is ABBA and Kendric Lamar?
What hebrew word is slang for "great" or "awesome" that comes from Arabic and is commonly heard in Israel?
What is sababa?
What U.S. state is home to the Grand Canyon?
What is Arizona?
What are the 7 species?
What is wheat, barley, dates, olives, grapes, figs, and pomegranat?
How many Shabbats are in one American year?
What is 52?
Who is the most popular israeli singer in Israel right now?
Who is Saint Levant?
What is a common American slang word for money, it's also the name of a green vegetable?
What is lettuce?
What is the longest rier in the United States, it flows through 10 states before reaching the Mississippi?
What is the Missouri River?
In the biblical days, what were the three times Jews brought food to the Biet Hamickdash?
What is sukkot, pesach, and shavuot?
What goes on a seder plate?
What was the first song performed at Eurovision by an Israeli?
(You can double points if you know the year.)
What is Ey Sham?
When is 1973?