What game do we play on Chanukah?
True or false: We can only say Barchu when we are alone
What do we build for Sukkot?
A sukkah
How many candles do we light on Shabbat?
How many nights of Chanukah are there?
What do we do with our bodies while saying Barchu?
stand and bow
Which one is correct? Sukkot comes at the end of Simchat Torah OR Simchat Torah comes at the end of Sukkot
Simchat Torah comes at the end of Sukkot
What day of the week is Shabbat?
Friday night and Saturday
What is a common ingredient in the foods we eat on Chanukah?
The Shema is like the _____ of Judaism
Finish the line from the song: "Am I awake, am I _____, are you listening to my prayer?"
Simchat Torah means _____ of the Torah
celebration or rejoicing
Shabbat is the day of ____
Who were the Jewish warriors in the story of Chanukah?
The Shema says, "Listen up, Israel." Who is Israel?
All Jews in the world
Why do we praise God?
To show respect and kindness or to thank God
What is something special we do with the Torah on Simchat Torah?
dance with the Torah, unscroll the Torah
What three things do we say blessings over on Shabbat?
candles, grape juice, challah
What does the word Chanukah mean?
What does the word SHEMA mean?
listen or hear
What does the word BARCHU mean?
Fill in one of the blanks! During Sukkot we shake the _____ and ______.
Lulav and etrog
What Hebrew words start all the Shabbat blessings?
Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech haolam