Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur

This food is traditionally eaten on Rosh Hashanah to symbolize a sweet new year.

What are 'apples and honey'?

This is the English translation of Yom Kippur, which is meant to be a day of introspection and reflection for our past deeds.
What is the Day of Atonement?

On Sukkot, Jews dwell in, eat, and sometimes sleep in this temporary outdoor structure.

What is a sukkah?


Chanukkah commemorates the miracle of oil lasting for this many days, during the Maccabean revolt against the Romans.

What are 8 days?


For holidays, especially Rosh Hashanah, we often change our normal Shabbat challah in this special way, representing the cycle of the year. 

What is making it round?


Rosh Hashanah celebrates this special day - different than the version we mark in January!

What is the New Year?


On Yom Kippur, adult members of the community participate in this ritual practice - the most well known - allowing us to focus on the day, and sacrifice our comfort. 

What is fasting?


Sukkot is a festival marking a special time of year when food and grain was gathered from the fields - otherwise known as THIS.

What is the harvest?


A menorah is a ritual object used by Jews - this special version has an extra bit, and is only used during Chanukkah.

What is a chanukkiah?


Jews like to mark moments as sacred time by blessing stuff - these are just three examples of things we bless on holidays to make them more special.

What are wine, candles, and challah?


This instrument is blown on Rosh Hashanah as a wake up call - it is traditionally fashioned out of the horn of a ram. 

What is a shofar?


On Yom Kippur, we ask God for forgiveness for sins against God. But we have to do THIS to be forgiven for our sings against each other. 

What is - ask them for forgiveness directly?


These two ritual objects (the 4 species) are used during Sukkot and shaken in six directions as part of the celebration.

What is the lulav & etrog? 

4 species: palm, willow, myrtle, and etrog


On Chanukkah, we eat this kind of delicious food - bad for the arteries but good for the soul.

What is fried food?


The October 7th attack by Hamas in 2023 took place on this holiday, which celebrates us completing the reading of the Torah and rescrolling it all the way back to the beginning.

What is Simchat Torah?


This special fruit is often eaten during Rosh Hashanah because tradition holds that it carries 613 seeds - the number of commandments in our Torah!

What is a pomegranate?


Yom Kippur takes place this many days after Rosh Hashanah, to give us time to make amends and do the hard work of introspection before the holiday.

What is 10 days - known as the Ten Days of Awe?

The ceiling of a sukkah must be see through, measured by a dweller's ability to see these at night.

What are stars?


To celebrate the holiday, we play a game with this 4-sided spinning top which has letters on each side, which stand for 'a great miracle happened there.'

What is a dreidel?


This is the common thread between these Christmas songs:

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire, White Christmas, Silent Night, Santa Baby, It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Silver Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, A Holly Jolly Christmas, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree, Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland, and many others 

What is - they were written by Jews?


This symbolic act during Rosh Hashanah involves casting off sins into a body of water, usually with pocket lint or crumbs of bread.

What is Tashlich?


Yizkor, observed on Yom Kippur, is a service to honor those we love who have died. It means THIS in English.

What is 'memory' or 'remembrance?' 


This term refers to the symbolic guests invited into the sukkah during Sukkot.

Who are the ushpizin?


This famous SNL alum wrote and performed 'The Chanukkah Song' on the show in 1994 - still a smash hit today. 

Who is Adam Sandler?


Many Jews emulate angels by wearing this color during the High Holiday season.

What is white?
