B'Ha'alotecha: The letter that appears backwards in this Parsha
What is the letter Nun?
The holiday when we shake a Lulav and Etrog
What is Sukkot?
The brother of Moshe Rabbeinu
Who was Aharon?
He was the greatest student of Moshe who took over after Moshe died.
Who was Yehoshua?
This is the first Bracha in our Siddur packets on page 2.
What is "Al Mitzvat Tzitzit"?
Shelach: This is the Hebrew letter that was added to Hosheia's name to make him "Yehoshua."
What is the letter "Yud"?
The name of the special eighth day of Sukkot.
What is Shmini Atzeret?
She was the one who spoke Lashon HaRa about her brother.
Who was Miriam?
He was swallowed by the earth for arguing with Moshe and Aharon.
Who was Korach?
This Tefilah is the quiet part of our Davening.
What is Shemoneh Esreih / Amidah?
What is "Baruch Sheim Kavod Malchuto L'Olam Va'Ed"?
Korach: When Korach was swallowed by the Earth, he screamed these words.
What is: "Moshe Emet V'Torato Emet"-"Moshe and his Torah are true!" ?
The day when the Beit HaMikdash was destroyed
What is Tisha B'Av?
He was the king of Moav
Who was Balak?
He was the "loyal spy" from the tribe of Yehuda who told everyone not to speak badly about Moshe and Eretz Yisrael.
Who was Caleiv?
Bil'am was the first person to say this Tefilah.
What is "Mah Tovu..."?
Chukat: This animal is burned to ashes to clean anyone who is "Tamei" (impure, "dirty") from a dead body.
What is a Parah Adumah, Red Cow?
The holiday that is exactly 50 days after Pesach.
What is Shavuot?
Who was Pinchas?
He was the person who became Kohein Gadol after Aharon died.
Who was Elazar son of Aharon?
This Tefilah is in Aleph-Bet order! (There is more than one answer!)
What is "Ashrei"? / What is "HaMei'ir LaAretz"?
Balak: This is the exact moment when Bil'am would try to curse his victims.
When is the moment when Hashem gets "angry"?
The holiday in the month of Iyar which is exactly one month after Pesach
What is Pesach Sheini?
He died and had 5 daughters (and no sons).
Who was Tzeloph'chad?
He was the great grandfather of Pinchas.
Who was Yitro?
In this Tefilah, we announce that Hashem is "One."
What is "Shema Yisrael"?