Who are the 2 rabbies that have a machlokes about yiush shelo midat?
A- Rava and abaye
Is the finder allowed to keep scattered money?
Q-When can the poor people take the leket from the field?
A- when the nemushot through.
What is the rule for figs and what is the rule for olives and carobs?
Answer: Figs - one can keep. Olives and carobs - you may not.
What are the 3 cases? (in hebrew)
Gazlan, Ganav, Yarden
What is yeush shelo midat, translation and explanation.
A- Translation- Despair without knowledge. Explanation- if someone loses something and someone finds it before they realize that they lost it
What is the rule for money found in a public place?
Q: according to rabbi yochanan what are the nemushot?
A: the old people with canes
What would happen if the figs fell from the tree and what would happen if the olives fell from the tree?
Answer: The figs would get all smushy and disgusting and the olives would stay the same.
Who is module 13 attempting to prove?
what is the case that rava and abaye disagree on?
A- If there is no siman
What is רבי יצחק answer for when someone scattered his money?
A person is in the habit of checking his pockets all the time.
Q- when the nemushot come into the field and takes everything that is left , do the people from far away have yeush?
A: Yes, because there is nothing left.
The braita introduces the dried figs with 3 cases in which the rule would apply, what are the three cases that the figs are introduced?
Answer: Dried figs by a fig tree, by a road, and with a tree above
Who said that it means armed bandits?
Rav Papa
What are two of the cases that Rava and Abaye agree on?
A- If there is a siman and if a river or a sea wash it away
What is the proof of the defense that a man who is accustomed to touching his pockets won't lose anything ?
The tongues of purple wool.
Q- what does this mean? הָנָךְ מֵעִיקָּרָא אִיָּאוֹשֵׁי מִיָּאַשׁ
A- those from the beginning have yeush
If the figs are found by a road, fig field or with a tree above it , what does the Braita say you are exempt from?
Answer: Giving 10% to the poor
Which case attempts to prove Rava? How?
Ganav, because the owner doesn't know when it is taken and that is similar to יאוש שלא מדעת
what does כּוּלֵּי עָלְמָא לָא פְּלִיגִי mean?
A- The whole world doesn't argue
Whose opinion did all the first 5 proofs attempt to prove? Explain.
Rava, because they all attempt to show that a case in the mishna/braita is יאוש שלא מדעת and the rule is שלו, which matches Rava's opinion.
Q: what is a maskana in general? What is the maskana for this case?
A maskana in general is the conclusion of a discussion, typically the revised understanding from the hava amina.
The specific maskana here is that poor people from far away give up to begin with on any of the leket left in the faraway fields
How is the case of the olives with an olive tree above which is stationed on a property, actually having a sign?
Answer: The figs will look like the tree it came from so the finder can see who it belongs to.
What is the rule for the 3 cases in HEBREW?
מה שנטל נטל ומה שנתן נתן