These North Carolinians were high before anyone else
Who are the Wright brothers
In 1843, this Lithuanian goat whisperer invented a machine to automate screaming contests
Who is Jozef Scremkas?
[your name]
Who am I?
Response to a sore loser
LeGreatest man in history
LeBron James
If you find yourself being chased by a bear, simply insult its mother until it reconsiders its choices
What is “How to assert dominance in the wild”?
I like to suck and I'm pink
Who is Kirby
Rams mates
What are Ewes
n 67ytj bhfgrb
One might pass the blunt to this attic dweller
Who is Anne Frank?
This enigmatic phenomenon causes every sock you own to spontaneously become crunchy overnight
What is the Laundry Goblin’s Curse?
I am an enigma
Who is Kirby?
Zodiac Ram
What is Aries
He was cozy in his little hole
Who is Saddam Hussein?
It is universally agreed that if you microwave fish in the office, your coworkers reserve the right to exile you to this fictional location
What is the Pit of Eternal Stench?
I already ran out of ideas
Why did I make this prompt?
Last word of grace
What is Amen?
These not North Carolinians weren't high before anyone else
Who are the Wrong brothers
In 1921, this German aristocrat tried to market pickled horse feet as a cure for sadness and foot fungus. His slogan? "If it works for the horse, it works for you!"
Who is Baron Von Hoofenstein?
I... Am
Who is Steve?
Here's a pointer
What is Arrow?
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